Marriage certainly does approve of sex and procreation of offspring and it always should. Same-sex couples, like siblings, should not be approved to conceive offspring, it would be unethical and should be prohibited in each case. Donor gametes should be prohibited for everyone, it is not a right of marriage.
I'm not ahead of science, people that claim a right to procreate with the same sex are ahead of science, and it would be unethical and should not be allowed. It is unnecessary, and there is no right to, and it would not be "fun" for the subject of the experiment. People should not be created as experiments for "fun"!
Hey, nutball!
Procreation is something different from Raising Kids.
Granted: for procreation one needs both a female and a male in some form or other, be it donor or carrier or (the horror: delivering a service while having fun at it as well)
that said: I see no trouble in letting sane people raise children, as long as they're wanted, welcome and cared for! Wether they are 'manufactured' by their biological parents themselves or adopted.
Gender of parents unimportant
Marriage certainly does approve...
Marriage does not approve of anything. It is a rite of passage, not a person or group of people with the capacity of expressing an opinion.
Donor gametes should be prohibited for everyone, it is not a right of marriage.
Forget same-sex couples, this guy is also against surrogacy and IVF for anyone.
It would be nice if John Howard learned to write coherent English. I blame the parents.
Ok, well let's roll with this so familiar bit of anti-marriage argument:
1. Marriage is a legal contract, it is, disproves and approves of what we say it does.
2. Ethics are also defined by humans, but more importantly the law is.
3. IVF, motherfucker.
4. Opposite sex siblings often have kids with genetic defects, that's a whole different spectrum of what you might say is wrong than a couple that can't even have kids by accident. By the way, if opposite-sex siblings wouldn't often produce children with genetic defects we would probably not have laws against it and for all I care, if no procreation is possible (either by gender or surgery) I really couldn't give less of a fuck what to consenting adults do (yes, you read that right).
5. Not being able to procreate naturally does not mean you can't raise kids together.
John Howard? John Howard? John fucking Howard?! Shit, I live somewhere that had a Prime Minister by that name for 11 years! Maybe it's the same guy (he was certainly of a most conservative political bent, being George Dubya's most steadfast ally and all)!
"I'm not ahead of science,"
No, you are far behind science.
The reproduction of siblings is a bad thing for very good reasons. The most important of which is that it will concentrate recessive genes, some of which are VERY bad to have (i.e. Hemophilia). There is no good reason why two lesbians can't get a donor and reproduce just like couples who have fertility problems. Oh, and test tube babies are not created "for fun", they are created to allow a couple that normally can't have children to have children.
"Same-sex couples [...] should not be approved to conceive offspring"
"should not be allowed"
Yeah, well Elton John and David Furnish - with their now two sons - prove you wrong, Johnny-boy. They're not the only ones who can .
Reality does not bend itself to your will, I think you'll find, fundies. If wishes were currency, you'd be homeless and starving.
I wish one of these dunderheads would explain why it's OK for infertile hetero couples to have the right to marry. Or why they can be so anti-abortion AND anti-adoption at the same time.
Alas, it is just a pipe dream.
same sex couples ban not procreate , at least with each other. It takes a male and a female to breed.
Homosexual men would require an egg donor and a surrogate mother ( or a woman prepared to have a baby with one of them). A lesbian just needs a sperm donor (natural or artificial)
I believe that sperm donation in some form is biblical. Artificial insemination is not "fun" for the woman involved.
I hope this is not John Howard the politician.
people that claim a right to procreate with the same sex are ahead of science
People can claim a right to procreate with the same sex all they want. They can claim a right to turn lead into gold, too. That doesn't mean it can be done. Homosexuals still have children the old fashioned way: with a member of the opposite sex. Being gay doesn't make you sterile.
"Same-sex couples, like siblings..."
Am I the only one who noticed that he seems to think that 'same-sex couples' means 'incest'?
"I'm not ahead of science,"
No... Judging from that screed, you're under a rock.
John Howard you are not the Prime Minister any more. Go back to jogging around Sydney.
Utter gibberish here, the explanation 'it is unnecessary' is nonsensical. Just another attempt to trample on other people's business, and other people's families.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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