Lauren Witzke & Various commenters #wingnut

(Lauren Witzke)
They will do everything they can to STOP Trump from running again. The pathetic and weak GOP will cry on Twitter and then continue to do nothing.. just like they did nothing to help the J6 political prisoners, nothing to stop the Big Tech Censorship, and remained SILENT as they shut down our bank accounts and put us on domestic terrorist watchlists.

When we win, remember that the Left CANNOT be negotiated with. Give them an inch and they take the whole thing.

They must be dismantled.

@LaurenWitzkeDE it’s the jews

@LaurenWitzkeDE tbf, what has trump done himself for his j6 followers?

@LaurenWitzkeDE Your wrong about the “pathetic and weak GOP” doing nothing. I have already received a GOP fundraising email talking about the raid and asking for money.

Thankfully I learned my lesson after the GOP raised millions by proclaiming “Stop the Steal,” and then spent none of the money raised to actually fight for audits in places like AZ, while the DNC sent hundreds of lawyers.

@LaurenWitzkeDE “ When we win, remember that the Left CANNOT be negotiated with.”

We’ll win not through the ballot box, i’ll leave it at that.

@LaurenWitzkeDE And precisely what, pray tell, did TRUMP do to help the J6 prisoners, or stop censorship, etc.?

Fix 2020...I hope the republitards don't have any delusions of winning anything...they are going to cheat their asses off again



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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