Amanacer-Fiend0 #transphobia

Personally I think that one of the major problems we have is how easy it is to just declare yourself to be trans and do the bare minimum of looking like a man or woman and Leftists just go along with it because they are afraid of looking transphobic. No amount of questioning what so ever about the "trans" person's intentions.

Like remember Jessica Yaniv? That one "Transwoman" who would go to women's spas and demand the owners give them a bikini wax that they couldn't do due to not being properly trained for the male anatomy? And then filing a lawsuit against the spa for discrimination so that Yaniv can get money from them? And doing this to multiple different spas?

Or Chris-Chan. One of the internet's most infamous lolcows who became a transwoman simply because it can increase his dating pool with lesbians? And Leftists actively defend them since they declared themselves a woman when, going through his well-documented history, he really shouldn't be given any benefit of the doubt?

People like this are why we need to revitalize the term TransTrender, i.e. People who pretend to be trans because they get both social brownie points and a convenient shield to protect them against pushback whenever they do something screwed up. They are seriously making actual trans people look like a bunch of whiny bullies who use their weaponized victim card with impunity whenever they get any pushback for their antics.



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