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[Venting] Stories about a chad I hated in high school

The guy had it all: Millionaire family living in a fucking designer building where parties took place all the time, good in sports, extremely intelligent, face was like the face of those greek marble statues - so incredibly flawless that you just want to punch it. That combination alone would have driven me to hatred/jealousy, because it simply cannot be that someone has so much fucking luck in life, but the "best" thing is about to come:

He bullied a severly mentally-ill student until he left school, he destroyed his science project and after the poor guy attacked him he was punished for it. The victim was warped into the aggressor by a system that failed him, this victim was one of my few friends and due to the severe bullying his grades dropped until he was removed from school.

As the refugee crisis began the chad developed an extremely leftist and hyper-politically-correct world-view and always acted concerned for some completely unrelated people on the other site of the earth - just a few months after destroying a life. Those people show no empathy towards the people in their proximity, but suddenly develop a conscience when the opportunity for virtue signaling presents itself - with this he became something pathognomonic for the modern zeitgeist in my eyes, an allegory for all the sanctimoniousness in our modern world so to speak. A psychopath is in that climate not shunned by society, but rather treated as an idol.

He also acted like a pretentious hippie cunt and always spewed empty platitudes like "Life is no competition!" and other shit - yes, of course you see it that way, you rich and attractive piece of shit, because you never had to fight/compete with others due to the privileges you had since birth which you interpreted as only natural. Had success with women who felt attracted to him because of his "easy-going" and "intellectual aura" (actual quotes) - just fucking lol, you cannot make this shit up.

My school career was nothing more than a series of black pills.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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