Social Commentary Through Smut Award

"James" A sock puppet troll #fundie

4 minutes ago

Two liberals, a woman, and a sissy man, were getting ready to fuck at the local elementary schools play ground on a Wednesday, during the kids play time, so the kids could watch.
An alien ship landed, two aliens came out, a male & a female, the two filthy degenerate depraved pig liberals instantly asked them if they wanted to swap.

The degenerate liberals tried pairing off with the same sex aliens, the aliens wanted no part of this, so they fucked the traditional American way, man with women.

The woman went off with the male alien, the alien pulled his pants down, showing the women his impressive genitals. The women said she was used to a 6 by 6 version, like on an elephant. The alien said no problem, and turned his right ear, and his cøck grew in length, then he turned his left ear, and the diameter increased. Then they fucked.
When they were done, the aliens went back on their ship, and they were gone.

The man asked his wife how did it go, she replied it was like fucking my dad and three brothers at the same time.

When his wife asked the sissy husband how it went, he replied, 'Not well, she kept pulling at my ears', so I gave up and ate shit from the aliens asshøle.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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