Some Incels #sexist


If she doesn't want you in her prime, then you shouldn't want her in her decline.



If she ever considers you her last resort, and decides to reply to your messages when she turns 31, go along with it.

Date her if you get the chance, have the perfect relationship you always wanted. Suspend your knowledge of her past for just a moment.

The truth is 31-35 is the last year's she has to find a husband and she's going to settle HARD.

So let her settle for you, use up her remaining years. The. Dump her on her 35th birthday.

Lmao, genius.

Of course if post wall roastie was into me, I'd be dating her. But as in dating/using her, just like you said.

I'd never marry her.


If simps would actually do this it’d send shockwaves through civilization. Foids jestering to their looksmath to get a little more than just a pump and dump but failing miserably because they dont have anything to offer


A lot of problems. Would be solved if simps stuck to this. Instead of simpin out when they get lonely and betabuxx a fat single mom


High IQ. I would rather be single my whole life than date a foid that gave her prime years to random chads (i.e. the cock carousel).


You guys realize 35 year olds with 4 kids and grand canyon cunts don't even want you right? This meme where roasties will be willing to settle for us at some point needs to die. For every 10 of you there's a chad with a dried up milf fetish and that's plenty to fuck every last one of them, and no they don't need you to support them with your money, the government already takes that from you and gives it to them and their mud babies. STOP HAVING FUCKING HOPE, IT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN FOR YOU.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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