Various commenters #wingnut #racist


spoilerDismissing reality is never the way to
solve a problem.
Everyone knows that the racial
problem in Western nations is
because the races are simply
It's not a matter of inferior vs
superior. It's simply a matter of
Multi-racial nations will never work.

@Nature_and_Race Very true. If multiracial nations worked, continents connected by land would have become nearly homogeneous long ago.

@Nature_and_Race I respectfully disagree. The Negroid is inferior to all other races on planet earth.


spoilerThe belief that all people are equal is
essentially the belief that you could
replace the black people in the Congo
with white people from Switzerland, and
the White people in Switzerland with
blacks from the Congo and Switzerland
would still be a beautiful first world
nation and the Congo would still be a
third world shithole. No one thinks this.
Equality is an absolute lie and almost
everyone realizes it is.

@Nature_and_Race. Look at the Asian countries as an example. They're not participating in stupid. They know diversity never works. Look at the animal kingdom. Animals stay with their own.

If the races are simply different, how do you explain all the one-way border-jumping?

@Nature_and_Race We are not the same



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