“Part of the evolutionist's religion is that energy from the Sun -- acting on a primeval soup millions of years ago -- caused the first life forms to emerge.”
Yes, but if YOU came up with a better idea, and THE SLIGHTEST EVIDENCE FOR IT, we’d adopt that as the best explanation.
Not much of a religion, then.
I mean, there’s no evidence at all that Egypt ever kept slaves, but that doesn’t affect anyone who truly believes Moses freed some.
As the science of human history developed, Piltdown Man went from an exact match to the theories to… Well, something else. Pretty much ignored even before it was proven to be a hoax.
Supposed caveman art of dinosaurs matched the current theories (and comic books) but proved not to match later theories.
What religion moves on with new info?
"Thus they believe that the Sun really gave birth to living things.”
Not really. Living things gave birth to themselves, we think, using energy. From the sun, from geothermal vents, some source.
“They're really giving glory to the Sun's energy for life.”
Quite the fantasy life you lead.
“Down through the ages, culture after culture has worshipped the Sun.”
Including the guy that made Christainity toe Empire’s mascot religion.
“If you recall, the Israelites were warned not to worship the Sun as did the pagan nations around them.”
And this affects the theory….how?