various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @Nature_and_Race )

Because people are getting dangerously fed up with Jews using their alleged "trauma" to guilt the entire fucking world into bowing down and serving Jewish interests.

Because people are getting dangerous fed up with Jews waging literal war against innocent White people. The world is collectively on the brink of saying "enough is enough" of these fucking Jews.

spoilerWe shouldn't expect
@DaveChappelle to serve as
society's moral compass, but
disturbing to see @nbcsnl not
just normalize but popularize
#antisemitism. Why are Jewish
sensitivities denied or
diminished at almost every
turn? Why does our trauma
trigger applause?

( @DSWilliams702 )
@Nature_and_Race They were hoping that by the time enough goyim figured it out their jew-pharma-jew-death shots would have killed us all. They are a clear and present danger to White people. They have to be dealt with.

( @TheMadPiper )
@Nature_and_Race Interesting definition of trauma, ie, "calling us out on our own behaviour".

( @knightess )
jewish accountability = trauma 😔

( @heir_to_greatness )
@Nature_and_Race the best way for jews to end antisemitism is to stop being jews

( @T0000008 )
@Nature_and_Race "our trauma"

( @SundayNiteDriver )
@Nature_and_Race I wonder if other Jewish leaders asked these questions each time they were about to be kicked from a society? Or if it’s just him

( @knightess )
@SundayNiteDriver "jews never did anything wrong and were discriminated against for no good reason whatsoever"

( @hamburgertoday )
@Nature_and_Race The Jew: If it cannot destroy you outright, it must try to whine you to death.

( @NotYourGolem )
@Nature_and_Race Why did jews let a black man speak on a jewish comedy show owned by a jewish TV network?

Geez, it's almost like the laughing studio audience full of NYC jews know that talking about jewish power gives them a boner, and knowing they can whine the next day and people will obey it, finishes them off.



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