various commenters #transphobia

conversion therapy is ok when we do it

( pennygadget )
So its "bigoted" if a parent doesn't want to castrate their 5 year old for acting a little "too gay"? Its bigoted if they want their 12 year old to wait until they're an adult before making permanent changes to their body? It's bigoted if a parent tells their teenage daughter, "Its okay to be a butch lesbian. You don't need to take drugs and cut up your body"?

The "trans community" is a fucking cult. They're WORSE than the old Christian conversion therapists because at least those assholes didn't castrate they gay & lesbian people who fell into their clutches

( Carrots90 )

perverts invading women’s single sex spaces and the daylight theft of our hard won rights

( Ava )
I don't think trans-ID'd people are evilly rubbing their hands together and laughing about how they're gonna convince gay kids to transition. But their ideology is rooted in sex stereotypes, and it does make GNC kids vulnerable to believing they're "trans." A preference for activities associated with the opposite sex is literally a symptom of "gender dysphoria."

There are detransitioners who've spoken about how internalized homophobia motivated them to transition. It may not have been the trans movement's intention to harm these people, but they were harmed nonetheless.

Trans-ID'd people aren't just "existing" when they're pushing the message that a desire to be the opposite sex means you're "trans," without even encouraging you to reflect on where that desire could have come from.

( Persimmon64 )
Yeah, the whole ideology is built in homophobia. "Trans" kids came about because homophobic parents took their GNC little boys to clinics to be "assessed" or examined because they were feminine and claimed to be a girl.

A loving parent would realize, yeah, he's probably going to be gay and he's a kid so he doesn't understand sex and sexuality yet, just the fact that all the girls he sees behave and look a certain way and the boys he sees do the opposite, so he's coming to the conclusion that he must be a girl too because kids are extremely superficial yet and have large imaginations.




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