"As a Christian, I believe that that gay and lesbians are flirting with danger when it comes to eternity."
And as a rational human being, I think you're full of shit.
"We were created forever."
Odd that we only last 80 years or so. Guess that's when our warranty expires.
"Therefore, it's not an issue of what happens after we die but rather where we will spend it."
In the ground. Cold, dead and stiff. Well, until we rot...
"God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah with burning sulfur that fell from the sky for immoral sexual practices and perversion."
And nobody noticed except for the guy writing the story. How strange. You'd think something like that would end up in an historical account of some sort. No, the Babble isn't an historical document so don't try to pull that.
"If you read through history in the Bible, what you will find is that God will send those who participate in this evil practice to suffer the same fate."
Unfortunately for everyone on the planet, your god's definition of "evil" extends to just about everyone who has ever lived, done or thought about anything at all.
"This is not by His choice but theirs."
Right. So, god destroys a city but it wasn't his choice. Even though he's omnipotent. Sure. Makes perfect sense to me.
"If you don't believe me, then ask yourself. What would Jesus do?"
Probably hang out with the gays and lesbians just like he did with the prostitutes, tax collectors, disabled and all other manner of societal outcasts. I have a feeling he'd be pretty cool with them.