It is not a problem for an American to say he is a Christian first and an American second because this is a Christian nation founded on Judeo-Christian values. The more devout a Christian becomes, the more he will love America and the values on which it was founded. The stronger his Christian faith becomes, the more of a patriot he will be.
...meanwhile, The Mall, London. 2013:
Queen, Country, Flag, Allah. And in that order.
So the more devout a christian, any christian, becomes, the more he or she will love 'merrica? Well then, I guess the more devout that Christians in the Philippines, Cameroon and the UK become, the more they will love 'merrica, then, huh?
Sounds perfectly logical to me.
It is not a problem for an American to say he is a Christian first and an American second
It's also no problem for an American to say "I'm an American first and not a Christian at all."
because this is a Christian nation founded on Judeo-Christian values.
No it's not. Many here know the drill of what comes next.
The more devout a Christian becomes, the more he will love America and the values on which it was founded.
So then you have no problem doing as Jesus instructed you to sell your belonging, give all you have to the poor, stay in the closet when you pray, and render unto Caesar (the government) what is Caesar's and pay your taxes.
The stronger his Christian faith becomes, the more of a patriot he will be.
...and the more better this country would be Christians acted more like they're supposed to be.
The more devout a Christian becomes, the more he will love America and the values on which it was founded.
Odd, I thought the USA was founded on coveting your neighbour's house and everything else he has in direct contravention of the Ten Commandments.
Bryan Fischer fails history, first amendment, Treaty of Tripoli and everything else he discusses. Everyone else must say they're American first or Fischer questions their patriotism. Making him a hypocrite. And thus he failed Christianity. He should see how Jesus feels about hypocrites
"The more devout a Christian becomes, the more he will love America and the values on which it was founded."
Values like:
Pushing Native Americans off their land because they are heathen savages.
Chasing Catholics through the streets.
Owning slaves.
Cheating your neighbors in Carolina and Virginia out of their land in the biggest white-on-white swindle in the New World up to that time.
It is not a problem for an American to say he is a Christian first and an American second
It's a problem when people like Kim Davis, Eric Rudolph or the 9/11 bombers believe their religious beliefs trump civil law.
It is not a problem for an American to say he is a Christian first and an American
To each his own. There is, however, a fundamental difference between God and America: America exists.
What ever happened to the whole idea of "we are not part of this world, this world is our waiting room before we go to heaven for eternity?" I'm pretty sure the Bible strongly implies that, so why are you wasting time dealing with things that are of this world like the United States? That's stopping you from soulwinning, Bryan, which Jesus placed the utmost priority on. You're going to have to answer for that in front of Jesus one day.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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