various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @Nature_and_Race )
Blacks cannot live up to White societal and cultural standards.

They simply don't have the inherent biological capacity.

Blacks are incompatible with White civilization. We only suffer from their presence.

( @36x )
@Nature_and_Race Nowhere on earth is there a community, town, city or Country, which is fully functioning, well educated, healthy, low crime and attractive to immigrants, which is run by blacks and populated by blacks...Nowhere on earth, ever.

( @JHadron )
@36x @Nature_and_Race - The best case they could make is Prince Georges County MD which has a higher median income than that of the US and is majority negro. This is only because most of the jobs are either government jobs or those with government contractors. Even so, their schools STILL suck (based on data from and their crime rate is also above the national average.

( @JariloCromlech )
@Nature_and_Race It would be much better for blacks if they could live around other blacks, completely free from "White Supremacy™" that "be holdin dem down n sheeit".

Which is why they should be repatriated to the African nation of their choice from Europe and America.

( @TrueDepth )
@Nature_and_Race Black women are the worst.

( @Spanks )

Case in point: Why every black civilization in history never moved beyond sticks.

( @StopAntiwhiteism )
@WomblePoop @RolfNelson @Nature_and_Race No. the purpose to erase white people from planet Earth.

( @Reconquista2 )
@Nature_and_Race this is true. For the betterment of all they should not be allowed to leave Africa.

( @jayelare )
@Nature_and_Race there isn't a place on earth that niggers have gone and added anything of value. everywhere they go, they turn to shit, no exceptions, ever.

( @Based_Gimli )
@Nature_and_Race one thing that blacks have going for them is there are in second place for the most racist people on earth. Jews coming in 1st. White's coming in last.

( @Friss_Blei )
@Nature_and_Race i feel like taking a semi auto G3 and start finding solutions.

( @Itwasthedognotme )
@Friss_Blei @Nature_and_Race M1919 Browning goes Brrrrrrrrrrr



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