The comet still lives!!! Ahem... anyway... I believe that the dinosaurs were on the ark. They took the small ones, and they grew, and maybe had babies, who knows, but I think that the climate change made the world unsuitable for them, and many species went extinct. I also believe that there are some dinosaurs alive today. Loch Ness OgoPogo (forgive the spelling), sightings in the Congo, there are hundreds of reports of dinosaur-like creatures every day. Just my opinion.
"and many species went extinct."
As a creationist, you should just stop using the word 'species' because what a species is and how it's classified is determined by science. When science says that dinosaurs died out millions of years ago when a meteor struck the earth and you insist that it is wrong and that they died in a global flood a few thousand years ago, then how do you know what a species is? If we left up to you simpletons, poodles and german shepherds would be classified as different species.
and maybe had babies, who knows,
"who knows," exactly. You're just making shit up.
And your opinion isn't worth a pile of fetid dingo's kidneys when it comes to science. If we accept, for the moment, your absurd and baseless contention that your silly skyking INTENDED for the dinosaurs to be saved on yon mythical ark and yet somehow they couldn't adapt to an alleged change in climate, then that would make your god a failure and an incompetent fuck up - again...
The Bible says that Noah was to take the male and his female, implying adult breeding pairs.
Are you saying that the Bible is wrong?
"I believe that the dinosaurs were on the ark. They took the small ones, and they grew, and maybe had babies, who knows,"
Dude, The Land Before Time movies ARE NOT a documentary ...
"Loch Ness OgoPogo (forgive the spelling), sightings in the Congo,"
You forgot the Lake Champlain Monster, asswipe. And as far as Nessie goes, isn't there a WHISKY DISTILLERY right close to Loch Ness?
Are these reports on Faux n00z, perchance?
Protip: When performing stand-up comedy, it's stupid to say, 'just my opinion'. Your jokes lose their impact.
Wut? you serious?
Ogopogo and the Loch Ness Monster, assuming they exist, are not dinosaurs, as dinosaurs were terrestrial and those cryptids are aquatic.
The Ark, according to GS. Mrs Noah pesters her husband. "Did you get all those dinosaurs like I told you? Look at the clouds! And it's starting to rain!" Noah responds. "Got the last one up. Yaba-daba-dooh!" BTW, "The Flintstones" is not a documentary.
The flood, Loch Ness Monster and Ogopogo have the same thing in common. They're myths. The only thing is the flood is more bullshit than the other two.
Ogopogo is believed to be a giant serpent. What species of dinosaur is a giant serpent?
"Just my opinion."
Opinions are like arses. Everyone has one, but not everyone wants to air theirs in public. They certainly don't want yours shoved in their faces.
Rush Limburger, I'm looking at you .
'It is better to be thought of a fool and remain silent, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
Two words: Sarah Failin.
Words to live by, General_Specific. And I bet you think Nessie generally lives on the Ark that sails the Specific Ocean. 'OgoPogo'? Like Quetzalcoatl and Chupacabra, it drinks Um Bongo. They drink it in the Congo, you know.
(*has sudden nostalgia blast; adverts in the cinema, along with the Kia-Ora drink adverts *)
[/Pearl & Dean]
I'm sure someone else has already beaten me to it, but uh, why would God bother saving the dinosaurs if they were going to die after the Flood anyway thanks to the environment? That makes no freaking sense.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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