Back from an extended hospital stay for pneumonia, staph infection, etc. I am very grateful to all who sent their prayers and healing energies.
Interesting trophy presented to President Trump that’s very symbolic of Looking Glass technology.
Neil deGrasse Tyson on the record dismissing eyewitness testimony of ET craft and beings.
A thoughtful paper on psionics and ET contact by Dr. Joseph Burkes
Incorporating UAP info into space law is important. Follows a similar initiative from 1978 involving Grenada’s PM Sir Eric Gairy.
Why The Anunnaki (Sumerian Gods) are holding Pinecones and why The Vatican has a giant Pinecone statue in its courtyard?
60 Minutes covers the Drone/UFO story on Sunday. Much still being covered up.
A succinct 30min video summary of JP’s experiences both prior to and during his service with the US Army.
Dr John Brandenburg understands Mars true history to an extent few can match.
Succinct summary of the recent drone phenomenon and its connection to the more historical UFO phenomenon.
Looking forward to meeting you all at the upcoming Spiritual Informers Connection conferences in UK – Eastborne May 10-11 and US-Charlotte, Sept 19-21.
Dilemma of a Star Trek Future Webinar postponed to April 5, 2025
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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