One cannot have thoughts of a true GOD without actually thinking of the true God, because there is no true God other than the true God. In other words, one cannot imagine a true God without actually thinking of the true God. There are no imaginations of the true God apart from actually thinking of the true God. The true God is not a God of the imagination.
I lol'd at this, if only because I have no fucking clue what in the hell this moron is rambling about. He says "true God" nine times. Every five words he says it. Why? Are you trying to convince us, or yourself? This is your brain on a long-term fundy indocrination program.
10 print "true god"
20 word_count=0
30 do randomize rnd (" words_in_english_dictionary") until word_count=5
40 word_count =word_count +1
50 print result of 30
60 go to 10
"fundy program" written in basic.
One cannot have thoughts of a true DOUCHE without actually thinking of the true DOUCHE, because there is no other true DOUCHE, other than the true DOUCHE. In other words, one cannot imagine a true DOUCHE, without actually thinking of the true DOUCHE. There are no imaginations of the true DOUCHE apart from actually thinking of the true DOUCHE. The true DOUCHE is not a DOUCHE of the imagination, but is alive is called Robert T. Lee
One cannot have thoughts of a true Chicken McNuggets without actually thinking of the true Chicken McNuggets, because there is no true Chicken McNuggets other than the true Chicken McNuggets. In other words, one cannot imagine a true Chicken McNuggets without actually thinking of the true Chicken McNuggets. There are no imaginations of the true Chicken McNuggets apart from actually thinking of the true Chicken McNuggets. The true Chicken McNuggets is not a Chicken McNuggets of the imagination.
So, when I think of the perfect doughnut, I'm not imagining it, it actually exists? Awesome.
Now to find it and eat it.
The only thing I see when I look at this post is; true God, true God, true God, true God, true God, true God, true God, true God, true God, true God, true God, true God, true God, true God, true God, true God, true God, true God. It kind of hurts the eyes and lacks any meaning. Maybe a thesaurus would help this guy.
One cannot have thoughts of a true Allah without actually thinking of the true Allah, because there is no true Allah other than the true Allah. In other words, one cannot imagine a true Allah without actually thinking of the true Allah. There are no imaginations of the true Allah apart from actually thinking of the true Allah. The true Allah is not a Allah of the imagination.
The true God is not a God of the imagination.
In other words: Omnipotent, omnipresent, omni-whatever gods are boring, because they do either everything or nothing. Which raises the question, why do people worship such abstract, uninspiring, and - yes - unimaginative gods?
One cannot have thoughts of a true HOMSAR without actually thinking of the true Homsar, because there is no true Homsar other than the true Homsar. In other words, one cannot imagine a true Homsar without actually thinking of the true Homsar. There are no imaginations of the true Homsar apart from actually thinking of the true Homsar. The true Homsar is not a Homsar of the imagination, but the son of a chipwich.
One cannot have thoughts of a true invisible pink unicorn without actually thinking of the true invisible pink unicorn, because there is no true invisible pink unicorn other than the true invisible pink unicorn. In other words, one cannot imagine a true invisible pink unicorn without actually thinking of the true invisible pink unicorn. There are no imaginations of the true invisible pink unicorn apart from actually thinking of the true invisible pink unicorn. The true invisible pink unicorn is not an invisible pink unicorn of the imagination.
Try not to think of a true GOD (pink, white, or otherwise).
"I would not live forever, because we should not live forever, because if we were supposed to live forever, then we would live forever, but we cannot live forever, which is why I would not live forever," --Miss Alabama
One cannot have thoughts of a true GOD without actually thinking of the true God , because there is no true God other than the true God . In other words, one cannot imagine a true God without actually thinking of the true God . There are no imaginations of the true God apart from actually thinking of the true God . The true God is not a God of the imagination.
That's nine times you used true god and my brain is fried from a post that made no sense.
One cannot have marklars of a true marklar without actually thinking of the true marklar, because there is no true marklar other than the true marklar. In other marklars, one cannot imagine a true marklar without actually thinking of the true marklar. There are no marklars of the true marklar apart from actually thinking of the true marklar. The true marklar is not a marklar of the marklar.
"One cannot have thoughts of a true GOD without actually thinking of the true God, because there is no true God other than the true God. In other words, one cannot imagine a true God without actually thinking of the true God. There are no imaginations of the true God apart from actually thinking of the true God. The true God is not a God of the imagination."
'One '? Many did, at Kyoto Animation, pal:
image I guess that's you lot fucked, then [/smartarse]
@Caustic Gnostic
"One cannot have marklars of a true marklar without actually thinking of the true marklar, because there is no true marklar other than the true marklar. In other marklars, one cannot imagine a true marklar without actually thinking of the true marklar. There are no marklars of the true marklar apart from actually thinking of the true marklar. The true marklar is not a marklar of the marklar.
[/"South Park"] I guess that's you lot fucked II, then [/smartarse II]
One cannot have thoughts of a true DOC without actually thinking of the true Doc, because there is no true Doc other than the true Doc. In other words, one cannot imagine a true Doc without actually thinking of the true Doc. There are no imaginations of the true Doc apart from actually thinking of the true Doc. The true Doc is not a Doc of the imagination.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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