various commenters #wingnut #racist
( @Nature_and_Race )
There's a war being waged against you, White man.
If diversity was our greatest strength, Americans would be happier than they've ever been.
( @WindMillTilter )
@Nature_and_Race After our having colonized the entire Western world, created its government, technological marvels, infrastructure, countries etc, now the brown muck can "save it" from us.
( @Scipio-Africanus )
@Nature_and_Race as a White man, I am now a minority in my town, my county, and my state. My culture and my people are being replaced.
I'm told this is supposed to make me happy.
( @Wagnarr )
@Nature_and_Race The joke is on them because, without the White Man, there is no developed world. There are only savages dismantling great works of architecture to build a fire pit to cook their food in.
( @ThreeRiversForge )
@Nature_and_Race I particularly like how they admit that the "developed world" is the 'white world'. Everyone else seems to come from an 'undeveloped' world by their own admission.
( @OCRedWave )
@Nature_and_Race And most whites don’t know or don’t care…sheep
( @DSWilliams702 )
@Nature_and_Race They think the White world they slithered onto our shores to enjoy will still be here if they manage to get rid of us. Nope. It would just be the same shithole they left because they're not us. Job number one for us needs to be "get these invasive parasites out of our neighborhoods, our states and our country by whatever means necessary" That means White men will have to get off their ass and turn off the TV/video/porn that they've anesthetized them with. Any hope they'll do that?
( @goshgolly )
@Nature_and_Race Just like the body rejects a foreign object transplanted into it, the human instinct rejects an alien invasion into it's habitat. Diversity is nothing more than a Marxist agenda to remove those of higher intellect who will challenge their authority.
( @Doxapara )