MayorOfKekville #sexist

[JFL] [BoomerPill] Boomers genuinely believe that dating is really easy these days because of internet dating sites

I was chatting with my mom the other day. As always, the subject eventually moves on to how I’m still single at 40.
She’s a sheltered female boomer who drifted through her life aimlessly and blissfully on Just Exist Mode.
She finally says “Why don’t you try internet dating? Everyone can find someone there. I know loads of people who met on the internet!” in an authoritative, matter-of-fact manner. She then starts naming people she knows who met their partner via internet dating (they are literally all foids or chads, not even normies).

Seriously, JFL, I spend half my life on the internet and she thought I’d never tried that.

Boomers genuinely, unironically think that “everyone” - really, everyone - can find their exact looksmatch soulmate on the internet. They live in such a ridiculous alternate universe, I can’t even imagine it. It must be like some colorful, dreamlike, Dr Seuss fantasyland.

Your moms still alive at 40? My parents are gonna die when I’m 20 or 30 because they had me at 40.
Also you’re old

I’m an oldcel, one of the few that even failed to get laid in the 90s/2000s. My parents were fairly young when I was born (early 20s), people used to have kids much younger. Also they’re healthy.

Online dating made everything way harder because foids now have 24/7 access to chad dick

Well yeah, exactly. This is what boomers and foids don’t understand.
They think foids go for their looksmatch (because they often did back in the 60s/70s/80s).
They think humans are naturally a “coupling” species, but this was introduced by religion (foids are naturally hypergamous, like most animals).



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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