Various Incels #sexist

I used to help my dad deliver food for a company and it gave me one of my earliest blackpills.

There was an old lady who we delivered to who had a chad son living with her. He was the basement dweller meme to a T. Didn't have a job, lived in his mom's basement yet each time me and my dad went over there six times in the course of six months he had a different girl with him. One of the times we went over there he had his hand down the back of the girls pants and she was completely fine with him doing it. I have other stories I think are interesting but they aren't about the blackpill. I'll talk about them if someone wants me too.

(Anonymous MG)
Suifuel for incels who slaved away their entire lives learning more and suffering through years alone in University studying a difficult subject they don't give a shit about just for the chance to get a 6 figure job. Even if they accomplish their goal after years and years of studying, they will never have a female love them for anything other than their wallet/assets and they're highly susceptible to divorcerape. Chad can sit and play vidya all day and they would lead a more successful life than your ass pewpew.

(Incel Gamer)
Interesting story, OP. The NEET Chad. Guess he figures there was no point in going to college or getting a job if he could fuck a new Stacy each week. You don't need money or education if you have good bone structure.

Holy fuck brutal. All of that just bcus we lack the same skull.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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