Shore Break #fundie

I wonder if intelligence reports warned Reagan about OBL if he funded the mujahideen? Or even the formation of a fundamentalist group once the Democrats stopped funding the operation. Not even close to likely. In Obama's case, the released FOIA document specifically warns of a Caliph formation. He proceeded anyway.

The president tells the American public an "immigration ban" is how ISIS recruits. I've seen their videos. None of them mention this. Not one piece of ISIS propaganda mentions a halt of immigration in the region as rationale to join ISIS. Of course the media, politifact and the other pervayors of "Truth" don't clarify this point. They don't mention that there is no evidence of this, there are no materials, videos, or evidence to back this simplistic claim.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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