Do liberals claim Loskarn was "born this way"? What if he says he just didn't choose to be a homosexual pedophile, so the only way to explain his perverted mind is because he was biologically determined to be a pervert? What if he claims he has always felt this way - so he must have been born this way? What if he claims to have a homosexual pedophile gene or that it's epigenetics that just makes him sexually oriented to males, including the young ones? What if he claims that decent people are all bigots and haters who should just mind their own business and let him abuse boys; would he be right?
Or could it be that people's sexual psychology can be completely deformed and perverted after they are born? Everyone is born to be a healthy heterosexual. It's what happens after birth that deforms a person's sexual psychology. How long will it take for our retarded liberal society to face this simple truth?
The obvious answer to this is that when minors are involved, they should be protected, because they are unable to make adult decisions and are not sexually or mentally developed. A sexual interest in children is obviously different from a sexual interest in adults of the same sex. That is because adults are able legitimately to consent. Whatever the origin of a person's sexual preferences, this doesn't change.
Putting aside the obvious that homosexuality and paedophilia are two separate things, I just want to point out the following:
The reason that homosexuality is okay is not that it's an immutable trait, but that it does no harm to those involved. Paedophilia could be a biological orientation and it still would not be okay, because it does harm to those involved, specifically the kids too young to give informed consent.
Whether or not something is inborn doesn't matter, it's whether or not it's harmful to one of the parties. And contrary to the beliefs of you and yours, homosexuality is not inherently harmful and the 'evidence' you lot provide to say that it is is more often than not evidence of the potential harm in unprotected or risky sexual practices, a problem in heterosexual relationships too.
I don't know if people are born a particular orientation or if it is a mixture of genetic and environmental factors, all I know is I've never had any inclination towards women or children.
What part of "consenting adults" don't you understand?
I don't care if someone is born gay or not. If they want to engage in sex with a consenting adult of the same gender, that's their right. It's not the government's job or anyone else's to police everyone's bedrooms.
There are logical, legally sound arguments for addressing all of your "what ifs." However, your side has never, EVER offered a logical, legally sound argument for why the state should interfere in the private activities of two consenting adults, including the establishment of defined legal contracts (which includes marriage).
That is why your side keeps losing, both in the courts and in the public sphere.
I happen to believe that pedophilia has a very strong innate component (at least for some pedophiles). And, just like gay people, pedophiles can choose not to act on that attraction. The difference is no one is harmed when two gay people decide to act on their feelings. The same can not be said when a pedophile makes that choice.
What if I told you that the point is not that homosexuals "can't help it", but that they hurt no-one and should therefore be left the hell alone?
Homosexuality should be defended, not excused.
OT: What, no War on Christmas this year?
The first paragraph shows a very strong level of ignorance about the discussion concerning pedophilia for the last 30+ years. Some pedophiles have in fact made those claims and there does seem to be at least in some cases a genetic predisposition towards it. But has so many people have said the issue is consent. And since minors cannot consent it is assault.
As for the statement "Everyone is born a healthy heterosexual." First there is a lot of evidence against that notion. And I like(snark) the way you assume that "health" = "heterosexuality". And as for the comment about facing this "simple truth". Well your un-evidenced hoped for fantasy is not by a long shot the "simple truth".
You can't help being born a pedophile, no. What you can help is acting/not acting on it. As pedophilia harms those who can't give informed consent, it's a crime. Homosexuality involved (mostly) consenting adults, so it's not a crime. Non-consenting sex is always rape and should always be a crime.
Informed consent, informed consent, INFORMED CONSENT, you stupid fucking cunt!
Why do I have to threepeat myself?
It's why you can't fuck children or animals, it's why you can't help yourself to an unconscious drunk, and it's why the character of Jenny in Forrest Gump is legally speaking a rapist.
You know what? Some people really can't help being sexually attracted to people, animals, and even objects they can't possibly have a healthy relationship with and need serious help in managing their urges but that is not even close to the same fucking thing as being gay because INFORMED CONSENT.
whether or not the age of consent laws exist, the difference is that the kids are being fucked against their will, and a homosexual couple is consenting. why is that so hard. resulting physical harm is the issue.
Fair enough, #1619719.
But you, ben, are a bigot. Adults get fucked against there will too, sometimes by people of the same sex. That's not a difference, just a sad fact.
If you meant to say the only possible way kids could be involved in sex is being fucked against their will, then you are simply wrong. There is room for debate about whether sex is somehow inherently harmful for children even when it's not against their will. There is not however any room for debate on whether it happens.
No PedoBear, children are not physically or psychologically ready for sex, and their are laws stating that they cannot truly give informed consent because of this. If you are a pedophile I encourage you to go to a psychologist. You may not change your attraction, but at least you might be able to find a way to suppress your urges so you don't try to have sex with children, end up traumatizing them, and then getting yourself thrown in jail or worse.
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