Alessandra #homophobia

Do liberals claim Loskarn was "born this way"? What if he says he just didn't choose to be a homosexual pedophile, so the only way to explain his perverted mind is because he was biologically determined to be a pervert? What if he claims he has always felt this way - so he must have been born this way? What if he claims to have a homosexual pedophile gene or that it's epigenetics that just makes him sexually oriented to males, including the young ones? What if he claims that decent people are all bigots and haters who should just mind their own business and let him abuse boys; would he be right?

Or could it be that people's sexual psychology can be completely deformed and perverted after they are born? Everyone is born to be a healthy heterosexual. It's what happens after birth that deforms a person's sexual psychology. How long will it take for our retarded liberal society to face this simple truth?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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