ScornedStoic #crackpot #sexist

I find it funny that the same people telling us sex isn't everything/even a big deal are nigh universally naturalists

People will seriously say in one conversation that they're atheists, that they believe humans are animals, that we're part of the natural world, that homosexuality is natural because it's found in many animals.

When we point out that mating is the same in humans as it is in animals, find the best genes + provider of resources/protection, they lose their shit and start up the magical thinking. Oh, are YOU COMPARING US to ApEs?!? But we're obviously so much higher than animals, the fact that you're comparing women to ungulates searching for the male with the largest horns is UNBELIEVABLY reductive!!! Of course sex isn't the end all be all of life despite literally everything in biology and the natural world pointing us in that direction. Don't be silly, we're RATIONAL here.

Then they go completely non-scientific, and start talking about romantic love which clearly is a male-only trait and is literally a drug fuelled hysteria that we objectively know is an evolved mechanism to force the naturally-wild-oats-sowing males to settle down. They proceed to completely ignore the innumerable cases of females deciding by either pragmatic love or by straight up betabuxxing an undesirable male because she missed her window.

I think it really throws off their tiny processors and gives them error messages that the natural state of about 95%+ of mammals and certainly all extremely successful ones are patriarchal in nature. The fact that we give women rights in a completely artificial environment and that those rights would instantly be voluntarily forfeited by women in the event of catastrophe goes right over their heads, I think.

I don't know, I find it funny is all.



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