I'm sure I will be labled a homophobe, but that would be a lie! I have no fear of homosexuals. I am not a lesbophobe either, because I have no fear of lesbians. I would just like to see you all get back into the closet where you belong, metaphorically speaking.
I would just like to see you all get back into the closet where you belong ...
Yes, it must be lonely in there all by yourself.
Allow me to be annoyed: -phobia is used to range things from fear, aversion, to dislike. Not just fear.
From Oxford's Dictionary:
combining form extreme or irrational fear or dislike of a specified thing: arachnophobia.
DERIVATIVES -phobic combining form.
A few examples:
-Sociophobia fear or DISLIKE of society or people in general
-Ephebiphobia fear or DISLIKE of youth
-Gerontophobia fear of growing old or a HATRED of old people
Honestly, I'd rather call you a fucknut. Read the damn dictionary.
Homphobia , n., Fear of or contempt for lesbians and gay men.
And considering human beings as a whole often hate as a result of having a fear of something, I think you fit the definition pretty well. However, I do prefer this term:
Asshat , n., You.
: irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals
How difficult is it to understand that phobia isn't merely fear?
Their behavior disgusts you, and you don't want to deal with it.
I admit, it took me a while to get past the "EWWWW" phase myself, but those gays that I know are successful, and good, humans.
Go into the thread, it is a perfect example of a fundie going LALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU MY GOD IS BETTER THAN YOUR GOD.
Anyway the thread makes a good argument in that the author exposes some of the flaws of homophobic arguments (which we encounter from time to time here) Then hiram shows up and goes, "But I believe that gays are sck fucks so I'm right you're wrong."
My problem with the word "homophobic" isn't the "phobic" part, it's the "homo". "Homo" means "same", so doesn't homophobia mean "a fear, aversion, or dislike of the same"?
"My problem with the word "homophobic" isn't the "phobic" part, it's the "homo". "Homo" means "same", so doesn't homophobia mean "a fear, aversion, or dislike of the same"?"
Actually, yes.
I had that same problem with the word, too, but the inadequate definition of -phobia is a pet peeve of mine, so I focused on that.
You're right, though. I took the time to look up a list of phobias:
Homophobia - Fear of sameness, monotony or of homosexuality or of becoming homosexual.
It seems to me, the last bit was an after-thought with a new innovation of the word.
Heterophobia - Fear of the opposite sex. (Sexophobia)
This doesn't involve the fear of things being different. Of course, fearing different things could be classified as other phobias, like metathesiophobia (fear of change), or xenophobia (fear of strangers or foreigners).
Homophobe does not mean 'fear' of homosexuals. It means an aversion, a hatred of them.
"Lesbophobe" is not a damn word. It's not a sainted word either. It doesn't exist.
Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate leads to suffering. Seems like an apt progression to me.
Oh, and lesbians are homosexual. We're groups into the whole homophobia thing. Dumb ass.
Hate, from anger comes. Anger, from fear.
To repeat myself, how many times must I be forced?
Most people who are prejudiced against gays base their objections on a fear that they will either (a) try to "convert" young people to the "homosexual lifestyle", (b) molest children, or (c) both. If you had no fear of homosexuals, then why would you care what they do? I know I sure don't.
I'm back again after a 6 hour fit of hysterical laughter. Hiram dear, you have all the stereotypes down pat don't you? What are you so afraid of we're only 5% of the population. I've been married three years, how has that affected your marriage? Have you started wearing women's underwear? Has your wife run off with the lady who runs the local post office? Has your Pit Bull turned into a Poodle? Have you started coming on to other guys?
Sure, ok. I'll accept you're not afraid of me. After all, I'm faaaaaa bulous!
But you are a bigot. Too bad. We could have been "friends". *wink...wink*
Bet you're wanting a shower to wash off teh g4y now, aren't you? Smooches, schnookums!
Oh, I get it!
You don't fear homosexuals, you just fear the homosexuall virus! Well that's natural, I mean you'll have just retired to the bed for the evening, kissed your wife (I'm assuming your a guy) goodnight, and BOOM! You wake up next morning next to a guy named John!
Right, right??!
...Yeah, no.
If you want homosexuals to stay in the closet, I suggest you do the same with your beliefs. 'Cause it just isn't cool to be a homophobe anymore.
I would just like to see you get back into the stone age, where you belong, Hiram. But that isn't going to happen, is it?
So, I'll have to settle for mocking you.
We went to Talk Beliefs and looked at the picture on your screen name. Roy Rogers wearing a fringed shirt and a darling little neckerchief.
Hey, guys, Hiram wants to play cowboy!
And I’d like to see you slip under a bus and choke to death on your own hot blood. Metaphorically
No, literally speaking.
I’m KIDDING! (trains are deadlier)
Wait... did he just imply that lesbians aren't homosexual?
Excuse me, but wtf are you smoking, 'phobe?
Wasn't this the same guy who said that Native Americans were asking for it when they got mistreated by white settlers?
"I'm sure I will be labled a racist, but that would be a lie! I have no fear of Native Americans. I would just like to see you all booted off your ancestral lands and into the reservations where you belong."
Ok, if you don't fear them, ignore them. To put them in the closet means, THAT YOU DO. They're not doing anything to you.
Ya know what I think is fun? Homosexuals grow up with (usually) not only the innate acceptance of different sexual orientations, but envy or admiration of them (at least at first) and yet there are still so many asshats who cannot possibly fathom something different from themselves. Oh how I would LOVE for you to be on the opposite end of the spectrum where a huge part of the world is in complete disbelief and disgust of your natural urges. Well...you're a fundie...so I guess the better part of the intelligent world already is.
I don't see why an entire group of humans (yes, humans) has to disappear just to please your delicate little sensibilities. Who the fuck are you, acting like you're entitled to order the rest of us around?
...eight years later, the 26th June SCOTUS decision.
You're a homophobe, Low ram.
That's a nice closet, Kim Il-Davis: it's where you're now forced to pray.
I trust there's enough metaphorical room for that legal Sword of Damocles over your head to this day.
The Persecution starts here. >:D
“I'm sure I will be labled a homophobe, but that would be a lie! I have no fear of homosexuals”
That’s not the full definition of homophobia.
A phonia is an irrational fear or hatred of something.
Since you think homosexuals are discrete from lesbosexuals, you’re clearly not rational on this topic.
But, can you show us in the doll how your rationally threatened by gays existing?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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