Kerry Cassidy #ufo #conspiracy #magick #quack

COVID19 is stimulated by 5G which links in with the AI network. However it is a pre existing condition of humans on Earth due to the toxic environment we live in involving, radiation and electronic smog from use of the negative side of technology which is rampant. All 5G does is further increase the levels. The dis-ease already exists in different degrees in everyone. This can be cured using chlorine dioxide (see Andreas Kalcker and Jim Humble) Both explain 2 different combinations of ways to use this to cure just about everything. See their explanations for how it works and why. My distillation of what this does is cleanse and oxygenate.

The PWB have been steadily working according to an alien directed plan to take oxygen out of our atmosphere and substitute a radiation filled methane like atmosphere more conducive to Greys, Reptilians and Grey human hybrid life. Covid19 is a bioweapon created by US and China. China however released it to kill their own people but it is the milder version of a much more potent version (see Chinese Party whistleblower testimony located on my website in print version)

People are dying from this amping up of radiation-and methane in our atmosphere anyway… Those with underlying conditions are simply being ‘moved along’ as part of a depopulation agenda and were dying anyway albeit more slowly. The numbers of “infected” are lies pushed forward by worldwide media and there is ample evidence the biggest factor in this “infection” in the world body is in the MEME and propaganda aimed at convincing people they are “sick” and “infected” and “carriers” which they are but not of the virus. The so-called virus is not CONTAGIOUS through human interaction. Except through what one might call “RESONANCE” AND frequency which happens when humans are in sympathy –sympathetic or empathetic– to others who manifest symptoms (of any sickness for that matter). Because we are electrical-magnetic beings and we tend to take on the aspect of anything we are in close proximity to or resonate with. It is not dependent on distance by the way. You can resonate with a rock band like THE BEATLES for example as their music conveys messages and meaning that you resonate with. Therefore regardless of the fact the music is made by English men who lived in the UK and traveled the world you don’t have to be in direct contact with them to be “infected” or resonate with them.

Signal-nonlocality proves that time and space are illusions. The illusion of distance (even mainstream scientists will tell you) is just that an illusion. But a powerful one and in this what we call shared reality and therefore if you resonate (vibrate to the frequency) through a heart and mind connection you are “there”. That is why remote viewing works.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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