Men have one less rib than women. That's a well known fact.
FEWER.. one fewer rib than women.
Is it weird that I'm more pissed off at the grammar than at the lack of scientific understanding? Because if it is, I don't care.
Men have one less rib than women. That's a well known fact.
Men and women have exactly the same number of ribs. Obviously this is the doing of Satan. The devil has caused false ribs to appear on the male body in order to disguise the work of Jehovah.
It is a well-known 'fact'.
And you can't see how this is indicative of why you and your ilk should just shut the fuck up about science, already?
That's a well known fact.
The only people this is a fact to, is bible thumpers. I have seen skeletons, and both men and women have the same amount.
My cousin, a devout Catholic, did anatomy when studing medicine and says BULLSHIT. The origine of the confusion lies on the fact that these guys never had autopsies and relied on the superficial form of the ribcages from outside. Imagine, mean are morphologically different and gives the impression, specially since they don't get pregnant, to have a missing rib.
"The elements that make up our tissues are the same as in dirt."
Really? Well, as far as I know, dirt doesn't have a particular chemical formula (unless you're talking about the Fundy Periodic Table), and the elements that comprise it may vary, but the relative amounts of most elements (in particular, silicon!) are quite different than that in a biological organism.
Hi all, Umm, (sigh) okay..
It's difficult for me to believe
that anyone could possibly be this
Who is this Carico person anyway?
Does anybody know?
Now wait..I don't want to meet
him or her or whatever it is,
but does anybody else wonder WTF?
Carico's been crazy for a while now, JDC1. Dunno why (s)he has lost popularity recently.
And no, men and women have the same number of ribs. Sadly, though, my boyfriend was told that men have less ribs than women. Apparantly a lot of people are told this.
Along with other well known facts like insects have four legs, Pi = 3, the entire world was inundated by a flood a few thousand years ago, and people who have been dead for days can spring back to life.
Um, yeah, maybe. But not in this universe.
The anatomical differences end at different widths of things. I'm particularly small-shouldered, small-waisted and large-hipped - but my brothers and I have the same amount of ribs. Mine are much thinner than theirs, though. Because I'm a girl.
@ Kitourahime --
Most of the differences in degree between male and female humans, such as the rib widths you mention, only show up as a difference in averages; differences within a sex tend to be much greater than differences in average between the sexes. (It's even more pronounced with mental and emotional measures; even after a life of being treated differently along gender lines starting within hours of birth, the biggest psychological differences between men and women are small enough compared to individual variations that they're barely better than random in terms of predictive power.)
> Men have one less rib than women. That's a well known fact.
I heard this as a child, also. The difference is that I actually learned better.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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