I think its a great idea to balancing the evolution kooks. Lets not forget that the same guys preaching evolution as gospel also tried to sell a flat earth, sun going around the earth universe, and the stars being nothing more then holes in a giant curtain around the earth. Evolution and creation can and should work together since clearly they both have merit. I dont think its black and white either way.
"Lets not forget that the same guys preaching evolution as gospel also tred to sell a flat earth, sun going around the earth universe, and the stars being nothing more then holes in a guiant curtain around the earth."
History Revisionist of the Century Award?
"Lets not forget that the same guys preaching the gospel also tried to sell a flat earth, sun going around the earth universe, and the stars being nothing more then holes in a giant curtain around the earth."
There, fixed.
What the hell kind of logic skills does it take to point out the faults of your own beliefs and accuse some other belief system of having those faults?!?
Given: A = B
Therefore: C = B & A != B
Actually, the religious authorities of the time were the ones who tried to sell the flat, geocentric earth.
But I doubt that telling you any of that would make a dent in the armored shell of your ignorance.
Flat Earth: Biblical Allegory
Stars as holes in the curtain: Biblical Allegory
Sun going around the earth: Biblical allegory and uh actually accepted by every religious institution out there, including judaism until Galileo proved otherwise.
My point is this: There are things in the Bible you should take literally, but very little. Most of the book is written in poetic and allegorical language. To take it literally is only to make yourself insane, as noted above
Revisionist of the month award thirdedlyumpthed
Yes, exactly. It was an evolutionist who preached all of those things. Also, Adolf "I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator" Hitler was an atheist. Does the lying for Jesus never end?
Lets not forget that the same guys [...] also tried to sell a flat earth, sun going around the earth universe, and the stars being nothing more then holes in a giant curtain around the earth.
That would be the Roman Catholic Church, I believe.
Lets not forget that the same guys preaching evolution as gospel also tried to sell a flat earth, sun going around the earth universe, and the stars being nothing more then holes in a giant curtain around the earth.
I had to read that several times before I realized that he is accusing athiests of making all those claims.
Mmmm, I'm going to call poorly-constructed Poe on this one, but who knows. There appears to be no depth of idiocy that some fundie somewhere will not plumb, so it could be for real.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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