Brent D. Cates #wingnut #conspiracy

Devon Archer is going to testify UNDER OATH today before the #AmericaFIRST Congress Donald Trump worked relentlessly & tirelessly as a 76 year old billionaire in 2022 to put into office.


Ponder on this a moment.

With everything that’s been thrown at him, relentless & also tireless Lawfare directed at him (and his FAMILY!) since 2016 with an ever growing intensity, he’s endorsed & rallied for the #AmericaFIRST Candidates he’s confident he can work with to SAVE AMERICA as he circles back to the Oval Office.

MAGA is a movement, of which I am a part, is the broad base of those who support Trump and his goals in restoring America’s greatness.

#AmericaFIRST is made up OF MAGA People, yes, but they are the specific candidates, many of whom were successful (thanks to Trump’s Platinum Endorsement) in their run for office for Congress, the Senate & the all important Governorships.

So MAGA, being comprised of the donations & votes of Trump’s base, are then FOCUSED past all of the static currently being thrown up by the GOP Wing of the UniParty to support his America First MOVEMENT.

Do you SEE it yet?

Trump has been exposing the GOPe from the day he was pushed out of DC in 2021.

But in the years since he’s not only shown MAGA who these controlled opposition Creeps are, he’s been stealthily building their REPLACEMENT.

Now that Trump’s America First dominated House fixed the horribly broken yet overpowered Speakership we are witnessing Congressional Hearings that are NOT showcases of sheer ego & campaigning via conducting the people’s business.

The last 3 months have been stunning as the House Oversight, Weaponization & Ways & Means Committees have ripped aside the Shadowy protective Curtain that has been protecting the Biden Crime Family for decades.

I cannot stress this enough = Trump’s efforts in endorsing & rallying for these Office Holders has made all of this possible.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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