It was -10 with blizzards yesterday morning in the Euro town I’m currently in. Didn’t stop me seeing two blonde girls, about 14, wearing the tiniest denim micro shorts revealing at least half of their butt cheeks walking down the street. I’m sure one of them called me a paedophile as I looked on in amazement at the rather surreal sight. Almost makes you feel the muslims have a point after all!
I'll bet the blondes in shorts were imaginative fantasies too. Probably one blonde and a brunette, probably tights under the shorts, probably older than that (and hookers by profession), probably didn't call him what he undoubtedly is, and probably offered him a "good time" which he would have been terrified to accept. So yes, the weather is exaggerated too.
If ANYONE was wearing tiny shorts in 10-below-zero blizzard-filled, freezing Arctic tundra/any giver winter day in Buffalo NY-type weather....they would freeze to death!
At least TRY to be convincing when you LIE!
This reminds me, the area I'm in in experiencing a bit of a cold snap.
I may take a wander through the club district on Friday or Saturday night and laugh at all the ADULT women wearing inappropriately skimpy clothing.
It was -10 with blizzards yesterday you were playing against Mei? [/"Overwatch"]
At least she's completely covered up: and as she's in her early thirties, she's certainly too old for you .
@Giardano Bruno
This man should not visit Newcastle on a winter weekend night. His head would explode.
Look at that soft southern shandy-drinkin' tosser! Not wearin' a cap-sleeved t-short when it's cold enough ta freeze tha brass bollocks off a monkey?! Haddaway an' shite, mon! X3
Really? Just casually strolling down the street during a blizzard in sub-zero temperatures, huh? You're not even trying now.
I assumed he meant fahrenheit.
Girls being subjected to peer-pressure. Film at eleven.
Feel free to move to Yemen or Indonesia.
Oh, and you must have red the thermometer wrong. At -10 centigrade, it feels like the water in your nose is freezing.
If his claim is true that he saw two girls, about 14 years each, he should have warned them that such attire could lead to frostbite or worse.
Oh, and I think he means - 10 C. With a high windchill, those clothes would not only be a bad idea, but uncomfortable as hell.
I've lived in a college town and have witnessed similar things to what OP described. Even in the freezing winter. But ...
A.) These women were all over the age of 18 as it was a college town. They can wear whatever they damn please.
B.) Even if this is all true, you still don't have the right to stare. What you should be doing is calling the police since, if true, this screams human trafficking.
I went out late last night and saw one girl at the gas station I went to wearing rather short shorts, it wasn't -10, but maybe 20F or so. She was definitely not underaged, though, I even think she very well may have noticed me checking her out but she didn't seem to mind. Not sure what my point is, really, just wanted to share that. lol
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