various commenters #transphobia
r/MtF meltdowns in the wake of the EO
( Carrots90 )
This Is An Absolute Attack, Especially for MTF trans people. God Damnit Why?!
Because of MtF trans people
( Honeycreeper )
Saw one of them today and viscerally wanted to throw up
A balding male WILL NEVER PASS.
( worried19 )
Truth. I feel bad for the ones who are genuinely trying to live their lives quietly, but there have been far too many examples of trans-identified people acting in bad faith.
The trans movement ruined their own chances of assimilation into society. If it had never progressed further than "we just want to use a bathroom we're comfortable in," this executive order would not exist. TRAs just had to keep pushing and pushing and pushing for more extreme and ridiculous things. And this is the result. You can only push so far before others will react.
( legopants )
feel bad for the ones who are genuinely trying to live their lives quietly,
LMFAO why??? They're still misogynistic sexist pigs cosplaying as a woman with their mockery of "how women act" as well
( hard_headed_woman )
Ok, read up, you fuckers:
"You're still a man. Likely a white man. You're just a man in a dress. You have every right you would have had ten years ago, but you no longer have special rights to women's spaces. Now, shut the fuck up pretending to be victims. You aren't. You should be ashamed of yourselves comparing yourselves to Jews in Nazi Germany!"
And if you didn't get it the first time:
"You're still a man. Likely a white man. You're just a man in a dress. You have every right you would have had ten years ago, but you no longer have special rights to women's spaces. Now, shut the fuck up pretending to be victims. You aren't. You should be ashamed of yourselves comparing yourselves to Jews in Nazi Germany!"
One more time to sink into your pea brains:
You're still a man. Likely a white man. You're just a man in a dress. You have every right you would have had ten years ago, but you no longer have special rights to women's spaces. Now, shut the fuck up pretending to be victims. You aren't. You should be ashamed of yourselves comparing yourselves to Jews in Nazi Germany!"