[Regarding Pat Robertson's comments about the earthquake in Haiti]
Yes, Robertson is saying the Haitians deserved this disaster, and rightly so! He'd be right in saying that about any other country suffering such a disaster. We're ALL guilty of grievous sins against God and we're ALL deserving of death however it comes.
He really is plagiarizing the idea of dying like it's something new that no one knows about. "i can't tell you when, where, or how you're going to die, but i can tell you that i know exactly why it will happen. the other parts are just filler"
Except that the entire point of Christianity is that Jesus paid for the sins of everyone, which takes the place of such punishment from God.
But don't feel too bad about being clueless about your own religion; it's clear Pat Robertson hasn't read that part of the NT either.
But, and follow this line of crazy reasoning
1. Haitians are 85% catholic
2. As catholics thay accept jesus as their saviour and believe he was the son of god.
3. According to the christian religion if you accept jesus then your sins are forgiven, more or less
4. 85% of people killed during the earthquake then, were innocent even according to YOUR religion
5. If the earthquake was gods fault this does not make him seem very good, in fact beyond the killing part it makes him a traitorous lying bastard, for telling you how to attain salvation and then ignoring it and wiping you the fuck out anyway.
Draw your own conclusions.
This is another reason to treat Christianity as a disgusting death cult unworthy of respect. And yes, I am aware that this statement appears bigoted, but he's right, this is one of the basic tenets of Christianity.
Jason, when the tsunami, earthquake, tornado, or whatever natural disaster hits your place, I hope you remember your hatefilled words. They will be like gall to you then, I promise.
But yet I'm sure you believe that this god of yours is an all-good, all-loving god, right? But if it wants to just snuff us out for some perceived wrongdoing (that it, since being all-knowing, knew that we would do long before it created us) then it has every right? Might does not make right.
"We're ALL guilty of grievous sins against God and we're ALL deserving of death however it comes."
Then care to explain why, despite the devastation of Katrina, the 'sinful' part of New Orleans' French Quarter was left unscathed? (and why the Bible Belt is xcontinually hit by tornadoes?) And why Amsterdam, with it's legal prostitution & tolerated soft drug use, hasn't had a single thing happen to it? Especially when you consider Haiti is more religious than the US? (Haiti: 95% Christian. USA: 80% Christian)
So you're admitting that your God actually hates his flock, and loves we Atheists & 'sinners'? Thanks for clearing that one up, Pat & Jason.
I am so sick and tired of the made up nonsense they call "sin".
Take a few random actions and call them "sin" and make doing these so called 'sins" much worse than anything else and then punish those who sins. It's a beautiful tool to be used by dictators and others who want to control large masses of people and who wants to become rich quick. And the average human being is too stupid to understand they are following lies, it's so sad.
I'd like to see you randomly take an 80mph dodgeball* to the face, then see someone stand over you saying "You should have been paying attention, buddy, because you just lost the game!" That's basically what you're doing by claiming your bullshit applies to everyone on Earth.
*One of those red rubber ones that really fucking stings.
Sure, but what if there isn't a god? What if it was just the nature of tectonic plates? What if the idea of being created by and angering an invisible, magic guy were silly? (Smirk)
I guess what I'm getting at is NONE of us are guilty of these "sins" you speak of. Because God is a story.
Re: post #1118123
Unfortunately for Haiti, according to "Christian Fundamentalists" such as Pat Robertson's, personal definition of Christianity, Haitians are NOT "True Christians", as they follow Roman Catholicism, a "Satanic Sect", as they label the Roman Catholic Church.
As such, according to the above, they are heretics, deserving of "God's Divine Judgement", which was enacted in the form of an Earthquake...
The comments here make me think of a quote from ReligiousTolerance.org (who were in turn quoting from the play "J.B."):
"If God is God, he is not good.
If God is good, he is not God.
Take the even, take the odd..."
In case you haven't heard Jason, according to your dogma YOU are as much a sinner as anyone in Haiti. YOU are just as deserving of a horrific earthquake as they are. And yet, you sit at a computer smugly pounding out your high-horse views while the people of Haiti suffer amidst the rubble that was once their homes.
The views you and Robertson spew are addressed in the Book of Job. Job's "friends" tell him the same kinds of things you just said about Haiti. However, they are clearly not trying to comfort Job. They are trying to comfort themselves, to assure themselves that there is a reason that he is suffering and that they are not (and will not, they hope). Then as now, their self-centeredness was clear to all.
Yes Jason, the Book of Job contains far more than vague passages which your lot insists prove that humans and dinosaurs co-existed.
- Signed, Dr. Shrinker
All of us? Even children, baby's, and fetuses (I know how much Christian fundies seem to love those)?
Whoops, apparently I already commented about a month ago.
so Jason, when we see a person in need of food for her kids and she begs us for help , we as christians should spit on her, kick her in the face and declare that as a sinner she is reaping the rightful wrath of God ?
When someone close to you dies, and someone else tells you to knock off the mourning because they really and truly deserved to die, I hope you remember this crack.
Get off your fucking high horse.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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