God loves all in a sense. He has allowed man to live in a sinful, disobedient state; neglecting God, and living depraved.
However He has a special love for His saints. Romans 8:28 can be used to show this. God does not love all equally, and Jesse is pretty much a beast little kid.
Also, hate is not the absence of love. Indifference is. Hate is a form of love, some emotion towards someone is better than none at all.
Finally, to claim that religion is a fairy-tale shows only one thing. One who claims this is misinformed and ignorant, as well as close-minded.
To sum, God DOES love everyone, in a sense. The fact that we are allowed life is an act of love from God. However, deuteronomy 2 is clear that God takes delight in destroying those that oppose him, and in John he explains that His wrath abides on those who reject him. His act of "love" towards the world is that of allowance to live. His greater love towards His saints however, is that of saving grace, and only for his saints. This is His actual love, not just an act.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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