various commenters #transphobia

Very human problems in the field of gender medicine

( Calidris )
I'd never tell anyone else what they should think, and I definitely do understand where you're coming from.

But I disagree. I am going full on scorched earth and I will call these people what I think they are, evil. If you cannot call the doctors who cut healthy organs off of mentally ill people evil, what is even evil? Thinking you're doing a good thing is not an excuse, as a German I should know, all our Nazis did their crimes against humanity for "the greater good" after all.

( sylviasmushrooms )
I’m an American. I think a big part of the problem is that people literally DO forget that the nazis and their followers were human beings, doing monstrous things… not monsters, unconditionally evil beyond comprehension.

That framing makes it easy for other people in this era doing monstrous things to write it off, because it’s as if a weird sense of determinism is guiding people’s morals. “Only monsters could ever fall into dangerous and damaging ideologies built on hate. I’m not a monster, therefore my ideology with colorful flags is good. We aren’t coercing and suppressing dissenting thoughts and speech, we are defeating HATE, among other monsters, who therefore must be nazis.”

The evil inherent in this must be acknowledged, absolutely, but humans are the only species that just keeps falling for it so I think there’s a lot of truth in this piece.

( Persimmon64 )
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions."

We have countless movies and books and story arcs covering this very common theme, yet people are unable to recognize it when they are the ones commiting the atrocities.

( Spencer_Shayy )
I'm sure they also used the "greater good" excuse for lobotomies too. They sure as fuck use it for every goddamn war.

( elizamondegreen )
They're doing a terrible thing. That's not the same as doing a terrible thing with terrible intent... but of course very few people do terrible things with terrible intent. Most have to be persuaded by some idea -- however dangerous and deadly -- that they are doing some kind of good for someone (no matter the costs to others).

But where I suspect we agree is that their intentions don't diminish their culpability whatsoever.



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