various commenters #wingnut #homophobia

( @NeonRevolt )
Some of you don't understand the implication, so I'll have to spell it out for you:

The implication is that Paul Pelosi hired a male prostitute, the two got in an argument, and the prostitute cracked open his skull and broke his arm.

And the MSM is trying to blame MAGA for it.

So Paul Pelosi hired a homo with a hammer?

That pretty much the gist of it now?

( @Jerry0714 )
@NeonRevolt notice that the list of charges against the suspect does NOT include breaking and entering, criminal trespass, etc. MSM wants us to think this was a home invasion.

( @BrainSanitizer )
@NeonRevolt Paul Pelosi is just a less psychopathic Ed Buck. Democrats are degenerates. But what do you expect from people who want to murder babies and hack children’s genitals off.

( @Patriota_Res_Publica )
@NeonRevolt That's what it reads like to me. Why else in his underwear at 2am. They are trying to spin the guy is maga crazy, but he didn't start posting on his one account until two months ago. This does look to me like the guy was there in his underwear, some disagreement ensued, and he cracked him with a hammer when the cops showed likely after having been threatened by Pelosi. Pure speculation, but it fits the facts more closely then the Right wing Berkely guy conspiratist driving over knowing where the pelosi's lived and getting through whatever security they have in his underwear! BS meter is pegged.

( @Oregongrown1 )
@NeonRevolt I think you've got everything right.
These people have so many secrets. But they can't sell this slop.
Two grown men in a house, both in their underwear, each with a hammer, and one gets hit.
This wasn't a break-in. I've not read one report that tells how the guy got in the house, just that he 'broke in.'
The whole story line now calling this FAR LEFT SanFran EXTREMIST, this nudist activist, found in Paul Pelosi's house in the wee hours of the morning, wearing his underwear, a right wing extremist, is so far-fetched, only the really stupid will buy it. So the left will eat it up and beg for more.

( @Mikemars )
@NeonRevolt hopefully he dies of his aids and his skull fracture

( @Lord_Vir )
@Mikemars @NeonRevolt It's probably just the vax.

It's not like some limp wristed homo can wield a hammer correctly.

( @Derrick_L )
@Lord_Vir @Mikemars @NeonRevolt ---> If it was the vax, Paul Pelosi would have died suddenly.



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