Frosty-Gate-8094 #sexist #wingnut

RE: My boss (F27) said something interesting today.

"Thank god men aren't being oppressed, because if y'all were, I doubt anyone would speak up about it"

Is she wrong tho

Edit: perhaps you all misunderstood me, men are oppressed but how often do you see them standing up for themselves?

She isn't..
Unlike others, I'll agree that both her statements are true.

Men aren't oppressed.
But neither are women..

There are unequal laws only against men..which comes pretty close to oppression, if oppression exists in 21st century at all.

But I ll agree that nobody is oppressed in modern times. Not even in backward countries like Afghanistan.

Men are treated more unfairly than women, but to be fair, women are also treated unfairly in some situations.

But to say anybody is oppressed is taking it to the extreme.

That's why feminism is the biggest problem humanity faces today.
It operates on the oppressor-victim dynamics.
Feminism needs an 'oppressor' for its existence. It doesn't have any one today, so it starts blaming hypothetical things like 'patriarchy' and 'toxic masculinity'.

These entities are impossible to define, and can mean anything to anybody.
But one thing they have in common-- 'they are negative qualities associated with one specific gender'.

For a movement that emphasises on gender-neutral language, don't you find it hypocritical that it coins new terms that are sexist towards men?



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