I don't oppose the laws of thermodynamics. In fact, they help me prove my point. Evolutionists say the world is getting better, we're evolving. The laws of thermodynamics say that everything progresses towards disorder. How surprising.
1) Evolution states that organisms are becoming better suited to their environments. Not that they are getting better.
2) Thermodynamics states that closed systems tend towards entropy. Overall, the universe is progressing towards a state of complete and total uniformity, "heat death" as it's known. However, localized pockets of complexity can form, otherwise a baby would be unable to grow into an adult.
3) Shut your face hole.
sometimes I have to say that the stupid burns too much.
How can these tossers actually think that they even float round the edges of intellectual and intelligent discussion.
I know there are lots of things I don't know, and lots of things I don't know enough about to spout authoritatively. Is there something in the fundie brain programmed to allow them to think they are capable of spouting lunacy about which they know nothing without appearing to be total dicks to themselves?
The second law of thermodynamics does not apply to planet earth, it applies to closed systems (aka, the entire universe as a whole). The earth has a giant external source of energy called 'the sun'. You might have noticed it sometimes when you were outside your house durung the day. It's that big, bright, shiny thing in the sky.
Exactly how would you oppose thermodynamics?
"Uh oh, the universe is heading towards heat death, best break out the anti-entropy guns..... praise Jeeeezus!"
I am not an expert on the laws of thermodynamics, but I do know this.
You know no more than me, yet you attempt to create a statement involving the laws.
Someone is too big for his britches.
His next comment is even better.
"The world is order, despite your attempts to deny it. How come when the periodic table of elements was invented, the inventor was able to predict the existence of at least three undiscovered elements, and even placed them on the periodic table. Order. How can we classify animals into kingdoms, phylums, classes, orders, families, genuses, and species? Because of order. It is all around you."
Morbo says: Thermodynamics does not work that way!
*Organizes some Lego bricks*
The Laws of Thermodynamics hold, but you really don't understand them at all.
"I don't oppose the laws of thermodynamics."
Well, they aren't really something to "oppose" as you might "oppose" a proposed law. What you meant to say is, "I don't UNDERSTAND the laws of thermodynamics."
"I don't oppose the laws of thermodynamics. In fact, they help me prove my point. Evolutionists say the world is getting better, we're evolving. The laws of thermodynamics say that everything progresses towards disorder. How surprising."
Uh, you appear to be misapplying that particular law. Surprise, surprise.
Oh wow, you sure convinced me. Scientists worldwide will have to acknowledge your point. How on earth did they ever miss that? Unless ofcourse, there's a gaping hole in your logic that makes you look like a fool not a genius..
1. there's no such thing as an evolutionist
2. the ToE says nothing about the world getting better. Better for who? Cockroaches?
3. The law of thermodynamics has nothing to do with evolution
Evolution does NOT say the world is getting better, evolution has no basis for judgement concerning "better" or "worse". Evolution is indifferent to things like that. What it does do, however, is make organisms more capable to survive a harsh environment. It does NOT make the environment all fluffy and safe and cuddly bunnies and rainbows, and it doesn't guarantee that an organism is going to survive. It just ups the odds of survival a bit.
Also, the second law and it's relation to evolution? It's called extinction. Look it up.
Hey, a fundie not grasping the basics of something contrary tp Biblical myth. How surprising.
Second law of thermodynamics FAIL. Earth is not a closed system. Never has been, never will be until the eventual heat death of the universe. And what, if anything does thermodynamics have to do with the operation of a biochemically driven selection process in an open system, praytell?
Fucking idiot.
This is fundie pseudo-science propaganda at it's zenith, cause it just barely works somewhere in that perimeter.
"everything progresses towards disorder" is in that law, the law of a closed system. Our sun will die someday and we'll be a closed system subject to entropy. There's a lot of crazy awesome shit that happens between ignited sun and dying sun though.
Before our sun ignited and stabilized we had a lot of cold shit floating around, it was a closed system. The sun is that little thing they never mention with the fundie thermodynamic laws, pseudo-science is the art of omission in most cases as explaining half of it isn't explaining it.
As our sun burns out it'll become a red giant before it completely burns out. A red giants an open for business system, but that business is bad for Earth , Venus and mercury.
At best, fundies will look into the laws a little and see what he says in there, lot easier to miss the sun when it's not mentioned by name but as an outside source of energy
We see it so much because the flock wants the magic to be true so they put little effort into looking elsewhere.
Have I been missing something here? Because everyone seems to be pointing out that Earth is not a closed system. I recall learning and studying and reading that the Earth is indeed a closed system, because it exchanges energy with its surroundings but not matter (or rather, negligible amounts of matter).
I mean, that doesn't make the fundie any less wrong, since I also know that the Second Law only applies to Isolated systems, but now I really need to know. If I'm wrong please someone point it out.
Equilibrium thermodynamics only applies, to first order, to systems in equilibrium.
You FAIL elementary reality, kill yourself.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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