Steve Kirsch quoting registered nurse #conspiracy #wingnut

From my latest reader survey. The nursing home is licensed for 300 residents. So that's a death rate of 30 killed per 1,000 shots.

"My siblings went behind my back and took our healthy mom to get the Covid jab 3 different times. With each jab she had a stroke. By the third jab she became like a zombie in a wheelchair. She received her first jab in May 2021 and died on September 23, 2024. As a side note…..the memory care facility/senior living facility where she was living out her final 10 months of life,(Vivante, Costa Mesa, CA) gave the latest round of boosters and flu shots to their residents a few weeks before my mom’s death. I told them not to touch my mom and as far as I know they did not give her the shots. What I did find out was that about 10 people died from that facility shortly after receiving the shots. I personally saw 3 of the memory care patients become wheelchair bound and zombie-like after their shots! I went back to visit a few of my favorite ambulatory patients and was shocked to see how downhill they had slid in just a few weeks! I am a registered nurse and I did my homework way back in 2020. I knew then that they were bioweapons!!! They killed my beautiful Mom! Thank you, Steve, for all your research!!! These evil ones must be held accountable!!!"



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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