Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut #racist

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
Is this the White Supremacist or MAGA Republican violence the Biden Regime keeps telling us about?

Why don't we see this in Idaho, Vermont, or Montana?

It's a mystery!

@DrPaulGosar nice to see that you seem to be finally acknowledging the anti-white hate in this country. When will you start acknowledging that it's not just blacks that are anti-white, but also jews? Israel is completely corrupt and completely anti-white. They hate us and want us destroyed. They are not, and have never been, "our greatest ally".

@DrPaulGosar It’s simple. We don’t have a gun problem in this country. We have a black problem. 13% of the population commits north of 50% of all violent crime. Never relax when your around blacks.

@DrPaulGosar They 👏are 👏Black👏

@DrPaulGosar Antiwhitism and white erasure caused this. Demographics is destiny.

@DrPaulGosar Policies devised and driven by the jews and their complicit cronies are the reason for this madness.

IT'S THE jews!

@DrPaulGosar the Whitest states in the union don't seem to suffer from n¡gger problems. What a mystery indeed.

@DrPaulGosar Idaho, Vermont and Montana don’t have enough Niggers yet for this to be as common as in Nigger-plagued Memphis but black criminality is going to impact everyone eventually.

@DrPaulGosar How is killing white people because they were born white not "RACIST"? Who's racist now?

@m00c @DrPaulGosar DEY BE DEM racist now, Jew ko no’s wot I be sayin

@m00c @DrPaulGosar I don't know why anyone gives a crap when they are called racist, or any of the other terns made up by communists. When they call you one of them, just say, "Thank you very much." and watch their tiny heads spin.



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