Since some "gay" couples are living in a make be"lie"ve marriage...why don't they go to Toy's r Us...pick up some cabbage patch dolls...and play house...rather than continue trying to strip down family values and force everyone to accept their un-natural actions? What a warped and twisted world this is becoming...society is being blindsided. Funny how all of this acceptance has just happened in the last 30 years. No one thinks of the children...just their selfish artificial needs to feel validation....shame, shame.
But seriously, what two people do in their own house is their own damn business. It has nothing to do with you... it's not like they are jumping you and forcing you to engage in gay sex.
Also, be"lie"ve is the most unique spelling of anything I've seen all day.
"Funny how all of this acceptance has just happened in the last 30 years."
Damn you, civil rights! DAMN YOU!!!
Since some "Christian" couples are living in a make be"lie"ve marriage...why don't they go to Toy's r Us...pick up some cabbage patch dolls...and play house...rather than continue trying to strip down real family values and force everyone to accept their antiquated actions? What a warped and twisted world this is becoming...society is being blindsided. Funny how all of this faux Christianity has just happened in the last 30 years. No one thinks of the children...just their selfish artificial needs to feel validation....shame, shame.
No one thinks of the children...
The goal of my life is not to protect your children or anyone else's children. Feel free to wrap your kids in cotton candy. I'll be teaching my son the realities of life.
Oh, and "Protect the children" has been the rallying cry of every dickhead with an agenda, from anti-music legislation courtesy of Tipper Gore to anti-television movements courtesy of Mary Whitehouse. Pick a new approach; we're wise to your old tricks.
Since the Lovings were living in a make be"lie"ve marriage...why didn't they go to Toy's r Us...pick up some cabbage patch dolls (or whatever they had back then)...and play house...rather than continue trying to strip down family values and force everyone to accept their un-natural actions? What a warped and twisted world this is becoming...society is being blindsided. Funny how all of this acceptance has just happened in the last 40 years. No one thinks of the children...just their selfish artificial needs to feel validation....shame, shame.
No, YOU think of the children. I don't see how having two daddies could be worse than growing up in an orphanage, or starving to death in the wartorn country of the week.
And FYI, if it's legal, it's not imaginary, it's a real marriage.
What a crock. It may surprise that what people do in their own homes is absolutely no business of yours, but of course you it make your business by using a sky fairy. So on that assumption I demand the right to complain about your sexual practices, whether you like it or not and maybe monitor what you do in your own home.
Now, define family values? hmmm you can't thought not.
Its a shame the world has to put up with you and your rabble of blinded stupid idiots of excuses for human beings, now please be quiet there's a nice idiot, go and sit on the corner with a dunces hat on.
As you may have noticed, Atheists as a whole really dont care about others sexual practices.
Fallacy Detected: "For the children" argument.
In a nation with a 50% divorce rate, and higher infidelity rates, gay marriage will have no impact on the "sanctity" of marriage.
Oh please! I know children of same sex parents, and they are just fine, thriving and happy. I really doubt you know or have spoken to any children of same sex parents, so quit spouting your shit.
"Think of the Children!!" always sends my bullshit meter off the charts. What people who say this think of the children is just that they are pawns, and they rarely do what really is best for children.
And really, if you think being gay=pedophile, do you really want teh gays to listen to you and go to Toys R Us?
yep, better to leave the rug rats in orphanages, or abusive homes, rather than let theh gheys look after them.
Which is better?
A loving same-sex household where children are loved, nurtured, and grow up well-adjusted and tolerant of other people, or
A fundamentalist Christian household where they get the Bible drummed into their heads 24/7 and grow up with feelings of inadequacy and self-loathing, and a deep mistrust of anyone not in their religious sect.
I know which one I'd pick, and sadly I think I know which one you'd pick.
Funny how all of this acceptance has just happened in the last 30 years.
Yeah, God-forbid gays, blacks, etc, want equal rights.
People think too goddamn much of TEH CHYULDRUNZ. Let up and think about ADULTS for awhile. Jesus.
If you think too much about kids, you get too many diapers and lollipops and not nearly enough bongs and condoms.
And the really funny thing is that if no one told the fundies that gays could marry, they'd never know because it HAS NO PERSONAL EFFECT ON THEM WHATSOEVER.
*eyes rupture and splat onto keyboard*
So does the Be"lie"ve cutesy work for other things?
You be"lie"ve in small minded petty hatred.
You be"lie"ve you are right.
You be"lie"ve that you aren't living a sad, useful, hateful little life.
"You be"lie"ve that you know what is right for everyone else in the world.
"and force everyone to accept their un-natural actions?"
Most people don't think 'accepting' a person is defined as 'not killing them or driving them out of town or forcing them to live in ghettos'. You're right, society won't let you do that, and you don't dare break the rules of our society to implement your control-freak ideology. Sucks to be you.
"just their selfish artificial needs to feel validation."
People needing to make up complicated dogmas to explain how they and they alone understand how the world works, and how they are promised a vast estate they will infallibly inherit and can afford to be smug now - altruistic and necessary for life.
People living together because they love each other, and need each other, and because it is not healthy to live alone without a family - selfish and artificial. I know you think that gay people don't love each other and associate only because of lustful desires. That's called 'projection'.
Yeah, thirty years ago you could beat and rape your wife, and beat your kids.
Also the Negroes knew their place back then.
edit: Damn, I guess I mean fifty years ago. Hard to believe it's actually 2008 and we still don't have any fucking personal jetpacks and shuttles to Jupiter.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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