Various Commenters #racist #conspiracy
RE: Governor Newsom Vetoes High School Ethnic Studies Bill
So Jewish groups that pushed for ethnic studies now call that anti-semitic? You can never please them.
Sounds like they are being cast as the oppressor rather than the oppressed, which was not what they had in mind.
Nice when their plans backfire.
(It's Boris)
There are some stunning confessions in this article, if you read closely, carefully and between the lines.
Yeah! Only non-whites and Jews can be proud of where they come from! Anti-Semitic gets the job done; anti-White is dismissed.
(Ambrose Kane)
Eric Striker in a recent article in The Unz Review provided the real reason: "Jewish groups protested AB 331 because, while they agreed with the anti-white message, they also resented the lack of an exemption for Jewish students. Under the law, Jews would be considered “white” and not allowed to choose Jewish Studies for their credit." Jews really don't want to be seen as White. They only want to be White if it serves their interests. In their hearts, though, they know they are not of us and never will be.
A Jew who wins the Nobel prize is Jewish. A Jew arrested for pedophilia is White. Yes, I know, I didn't come up with this myself. But it still needs to be said.
That is precisely how it is. Anything that's good is proudly Jewish. Anything that is not is White. The media doesn't often make the distinction, but Jews are certain and even obsessed to make it.
Slight addition-A Jew arrested for pedophilia is acquitted.
By a Jewish Jury and Judge.