SugarDoll666 #psycho #transphobia

Life can be metaphorically, "Hell" if one will never pass and or has been grossly disfigured by the wrong puberty

So with the foregoing premise, my question for this topic is how can the transgender community advocate for a humane method to end one's life and specifically for persons feeling the need for their own personal unique desire to be free from pain?

The topic is understandably taboo because society is a mixture of personal beliefs & personal values and that adversely harms or helps others. In any case, I'm interested in a discussion with anyone that generally agrees with the opinion that trans persons who are chronically suffering "gender dysphoria" should be provided the option to end one's life; in a humane way if they're truly desiring it and without being manipulated/coerced.

I'm generally interested in finding a real solution for persons that aren't going to be able to pass because of unique circumstances that don't match with people that eventually pass or persons that don't care about passing and where gender dysphoria metaphorically makes the persons life metaphorically a Hell.



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