Aloysius J. Fozdyke/Henry Makow PhD #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut

<Henry Makow's excerpts from the "letters of Sydney's Satanic Alpha Lodge High Priest">
Australians have really settled into the new order and are getting ready to sell their homes to Chinese investors. This is how it's done! Essentially, totalitarianism has finally been imposed and joyously accepted. As their economies die, the culling from lack of medication will be blamed on a cartoon virus. The brave, bronzed Aussie has long been a tasteless joke.

On any objective assessment, there are too many "useless eaters", many of whom are sick or 'scrapings from the bottom of the gene pool'. Global human population is out of control. Let the games begin! The elderly and chronically sick - in that order.
Internationally, America is a basket-case - with its mongrelized, uneducated population (possessing attention spans shorter than their pubes); ghost cities burning, and unpayable debt. 'Land of the free and the home of the brave'; don't make me belly-laugh sardonically!

Soon the superannuation of Australians and New Zealanders will be squandered. But even if they wake up, they're disarmed and docile. In the State of Victoria, they're living as battery hens - no worries.

Freedoms were taken away by the Salami Method - a slice at a time. There's so few and inconsequential freedoms left that it doesn't really matter. When we tell you and your family to get on the cattle trains, you will. Your future, together with your pension and superannuation funds await their transformation. Solve et coagula!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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