various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @Nature_and_Race )
Freedom of speech means being allowed to speak the truth about Jews.

EDIT: She deleted her post.

spoilerSure are a lot of antisemites on gab

( @SeanK_Davis )
@Nature_and_Race Funny how the people worried about antisemitism don't seem to notice the open promotion of anti-White, anti-Christian, pro-degenerate behavior by the Jews. It's not like they make any attempt to hide it - they just yell "antisemite!" when you notice. Weird.

( @DSWilliams702 )
@Nature_and_Race @anavrin5 There are alot of antisemites everywhere. You just don't know it because they don't talk about it. Yet. Here they do so you come here and think there are "alot". Your frame of reference is distorted because free speech isn't allowed everywhere. Just here.

( @PM64 )
@Nature_and_Race Lemme guess...I'll bet Connie here is part of the "I'd rather commit suicide than be called a racist" brigade..

( @CN32 )
@Nature_and_Race They didn't complain when people called for killing Whites or 'ending Whiteness' or killing Christians and Republican.

( @Blues46 )
@Nature_and_Race Being aware of REALITY happens to be anti-semetic because the Jews are actually doing all of this nefarious stuff!
People are just so brainwashed they refuse to see it. Anti-semitism is greatest Gaslight of all time.

( @HappyTracker )
@Blues46 @Nature_and_Race agreed... Christians and Jews share the same father in Abraham. Stand against the Jews and you are standing against God...the makes you antichrist...sad... people don't even know before they go down this easy route of Hate.

( @emma_rooks )
@Nature_and_Race There are only two types of people in the world who understand what’s going on:

1) Jews
2) critics of jews



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