Ann Coulter #conspiracy

In 2017, as fear and loathing of Donald Trump seized the nation, a U.S. mayor got a four-star resort to cancel a conservative conference by threatening to withdraw police and fire protection.

With all the media blubbering about “attempts to DESTROY our democracy” and violations of “constitutional norms,” it’s remarkable that this Howitzer blast to the First Amendment has received barely any attention, much less the front-page coverage it deserves, not even from the conservative press.

The banned conference, you see, was about immigration.

Wow, our elites really don’t want Americans thinking about immigration! (Remember, kids: It’s a right-wing conspiracy theory—and racist, to boot!—to think that liberals are using mass immigration to change the country.)



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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