various commenters #transphobia

Nex Benedict autopsy: Oklahoma Medical Examiner rules death suicide

( MaryDyer )
It’s really a shame that she felt she had no other option. The “trans kids are at constant risk of suicide” and “there’s a trans genocide” narratives almost certainly influence events like this.

( pennygadget )
I was just about to say this.

The increase in suicide amongst children (especially trans identifying children) is a DIRECT result of these assholes constantly bombarding children with negative shit that they cannot process in a healthy way.

When TRAs tell a mentally unstable population, "everyone is against you!", "we're in the midst of a trans genocide!", and "suicide is a reasonable reaction to not getting your way", they shouldn't be surprised when a bunch of trans youths either kill themselves or become mass shooters (or both)

( OneStarWolf )
Activists will now just shift the goalposts. It’s either a conspiracy to cover up a hate murder or she was driven to do it because of tRanSpHoBiA. Suits their twisted goal either way.

( Iota_Aurigae )
I hope my women’s studies professor, who was so quick to email everyone when her death was reported because “TRANSPHOBIA!!”, sees this.

( spw )
She will probably standby it and say that she suicided because of transphobia

( syntaxerror )
Yeah this changes nothing for TRAs. She’s still a martyr, just a different category. They still add her to the list of dead children to ghoulishly parade around.

( pennygadget )
She would remain a martyr even if she had been struck by lightning. TRAs love standing on the corpses of dead kids



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