Made in Heaven #sexist #racist

Pakistani grooming gangs do exist here but the problem is massively overstated by stormfrontcels online, and more worryingly, misunderstood by the masses. It's acceptable in many Islamic countries to have relations with young women. The female mind will go into overdrive when she meets a man she loves, and frankly a swaggering, Pakistani badass is seen as an exotic conqueror by these women, They choose to please him and his fellow Mujahideen, and this while this technically breaks the law, nobody is really being hurt 99% of the time.


These 12 year old white foidlets aren't being groomed or raped. They're commiting fornication, which is still wrong, but stormfrontcels should call it what it truly is: a young JB craving arab cock

I mean look JFL at this. When was the last time a girl was this close to you and this happy to be with you? There is no """"fear"""" in her body language or eyes. Just pure love and admiration for the arab



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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