My Jeep Liberty has the picture below on the wheel cover, the only difference being that the wheel cover is black and the print is silver. I also have my lovely Rapture Ready bumper sticker on the bumper.
So's here's what happened tonight. I went to the grocery store to pick up a prescription that I phoned in. There wasn't a car parked in front of my Jeep when I left the store, so I walked that way to the driver's door around and didn't go around the back of the Jeep. I put the Jeep in reverse and it felt like I hit something or had a flat tire. I put the Jeep in park, went around to the back of the Jeep and there was a shopping cart on the ground. There was no wind to blow the cart there. (I wish we had some wind - it would have blown away all the leaf burning smoke that was burning my sinuses.) The cart had to have been put there deliberately.
I thought about Matthew 5:11 as I was driving home. "Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecuteyou, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake." To whoever didn't like my wheel cover, that's okay. I forgive you. I just hope you remember the Rapture Ready website address you must have saw on my bumper sticker and check it out. And I promise I won't put a shopping cart behind your car if I see something on it that I don't like.
Suffer the little ones to come unto me and do not hinder their 30,000 dollar SUV with thine shopping carts, lest you ding the bumper or mar the paint, then my little one will be forced to get a ride to the body shop where his full coverage insurance shall surely foot the bill. So sayeth the lord, our beloved jesus christ, only son of god and part-time insurance adjuster. Amen.
I went to the grocery store to pick up a prescription...
Prescription for what? Mental illness? Because you are obviously suffering from delusions. Christians are in no way persecuted in North America!
This one time in the zoo, I was talking to this man about Jesus and suddenly a lion leaped at me. I just prayed and it sat down in front of me and gave me a kind look. Praise the lord for delivering me from the persecution caused by whoever set that lion free to kill me.[/sarcasm]
Okay, seriously. Someone leaving a shopping cart behind your car isn't persecution. If they demoslished your entire car and made it obvious that it was done because you are christian, them I'll give it to you that someone was out to get you for your religion. But this? Who do you blame when you bump your toe? Is it the devil out to make your life as hadr as possible?
Blast! They have uncovered our dastardly plan of placing shopping carts behind their gas-guzzling SUVs so that the few of them who are too stupid to look bump them....and cause negligible cosmetic damage to a square centimeter of their bumper!!!!!
Oh well, back to the drawing board. nhext it's Operation Short Sheet Their Beds, right? Or is it Operation Wedgie?
There wasn't a car parked in front of my Jeep when I left the store, so I walked that way to the driver's door around and didn't go around the back of the Jeep.
There's your problem right there, you blithering idiot.
Besides, how do you know that the guy knew you were a Christian?, or that the shopping cart CAN BE MOVED BY THE WIND?. Listen, after hearing people who have been killed in the gas chamber, like Edith Stein, or thrown to the lions, like the first Christians, you sound ridiculous, SPECIALLY WHEN YOU CAN AFFORD A ROVER.
I notice you were very quick to BRAG about your SUV, Right from the start you identified it as the luxury, road hog, gas guzzler, Jeep Liberty.
How many arab children die each day so you can tank up on gas?
How any american children suffer because of your SUV spewing toxic fumes into the air?
You dare to complain about burning leaves making a bad smell, your arrogance knows no bounds.
I dont have a car, Even if I could afford one on the pissy wages I earn with 2 jobs, I would still choose to ride my bike.
I promise I won't put a shopping cart behind your car if I see something on it that I don't like.
Quite right, Diane would probably have them burnt at the stake.
If you read the rest of the thread, it became a debate about whether or not she actually was persecuted, with one camp defending her, and the other camp laughing at her.
I think this could be the world's shortest IQ test. Read this story and answer the following question:
Do you think she was actually persecuted?
If 'Yes' then you are dumb
If 'No' then you are smart.
You didn't check behind your car before pulling out, so you hit a cart. You have no proof whatsoever that it was put there by someone intentionally, let alone ANY evidence that, if anyone did do it deliberately, it had anything to do with your religion. It could have been wind putting it there before you came out of the store; it could have been just gravity letting it roll downhill to your car. It could even have been just carelessly and thoughtlessly shoved there by whoever put groceries into a car next to yours; people do all kinds of harmful or potentially harmful things that properly should be chalked up to stupidity and inconsideration rather than outright malice. Your entire case of "persecution" is nothing but sheer fantasy.
Diane1611, you are arrogant, spoiled, self-centered, deluded, and paranoid -- but you are NOT a martyr. Grow the heck up.
~David D.G.
Stop being an arrogant, whiny, selfish bitch. Next time - and every time - make sure it's safe to back up before you go into reverse. Otherwise, there could be a child or an animal there, and just because you can't wait for your sorry ass to be raptured up to heaven, it doesn't mean it's OK for you to rupture anyone else on the way.
Oh, fuck off will you?
This sorry tale is a slap in the face of all true victims of persecution.
Such as Anne Frank and about 6,000,000 other people who shared her faith.
My history teacher doesn't like it when you repeat a noun more than once in a paragraph. He'd go apeshit over the middle paragraph:
So's here's what happened tonight. I went to the grocery store to pick up a prescription that I phoned in. There wasn't a car parked in front of my Jeep when I left the store, so I walked that way to the driver's door around and didn't go around the back of the Jeep . I put the Jeep in reverse and it felt like I hit something or had a flat tire. I put the Jeep in park, went around to the back of the Jeep and there was a shopping cart on the ground. There was no wind to blow the cart there. (I wish we had some wind - it would have blown away all the leaf burning smoke that was burning my sinuses.) The cart had to have been put there deliberately.
Granted, I'm not saying that every post on the internet has to be essay-worthy. But still, you shouldn't repeat a noun 5 times in one paragraph, especially one that short.
I wasn't Satan or a heathen persecuting you for your faith, you twit, it was Gawd giving you a "Seashell Moment".
Em: priceless XD
Jezebel's Evil Sister: seconded! The number of lives that could be saved if those idiotic drivers could just be bothered to open their eyes...
Amos: I suspect he was being sarcastic.
Veinor: same thing here, except that it was mostly my middle school French and languages teachers who objected to such reiterations.
...Has anyone ever , in the history of the Earth , ever maliciously placed a goddamn shopping cart ?!
Dude was lazy! He didn't want to put it back where it went! And- and the logistics! You obviously pulled through the parking spot! Why in God's name would you go in reverse?! Pull forward and drive out, you nitwit!
Jesus H. Christ, what an appropros award.
Yeah sure thing , tell that one to your insurance company ..
Did you do the right thing and go in and tell the supermarkets manger that you smash up a shopping cart (private property ) or did you drive away and leave the damged (private property becuse that called leaving the scene of a accident ..after causing property damage
Let have a hand count
How man think the fundie didn't bother to even look over his shoulder and just put in R gave a quick peek out the review mirror and hit the gas .
Archaeopath: After following your link, I sat and read the "Normal Bob Smith" site for a whole afternoon! I've seen his magnets/ paper dolls before, but I wasn't aware of the comic. Parts of it made me laugh so hard I was crying.
Diane 1611: Pshaw, you think a shopping cart is persecution? I've had 3 Darwin fish prised off my car and a very suspicious key scrape across my "I Have a Uterus and I Vote" bumper sticker.
Backing into a shopping cart because you didn't bother to look isn't persecution, it's negligent stupidity. Nobody fucking cares about your bumper sticker.
Diane, you need to get over yourself. Or at least get over your Jeep. Remember, you can't take it with you.
Carts roll on the slightest incline, and they stop as soon as the land evens out. Whatever inconsiderate pighead didn't put the cart away in the corral placed their cart on an incline. It just so happened that your car was on even ground. The cart rolled, and stopped once it hit the even ground...directly behind your car.
Besides don't you think if someone didn't like your wheel cover and bumper sticker they would try and remove them with their hands, instead of a shopping cart?
I've undergone worse things from fellow Christians for my beliefs. Get over it.
Well, maybe it was put intentionally by somebody, but, if she has no proofs that it was because of her sticker, she can´t take for granted that she was persecuted(I think she isn´t). Besides, look at the car. All Jeeps are now the target of vandals in the urban medium, NOT BECAUSE OF CHRISTIANITY BUT BECAUSE OF ENVY. They want to mock arrogant people(or think they are) who use the car in town for no good reason. The problem is that this idiot is so fanatic about her beliefs that, among 10,0000 possibilities at least, she choses the most improbable.
And I remember this idiot mentioned another proof of "persecution", alleging that Walmart is encouraging its staff to say happy holidays instead of merry Christmas, a practice that a catholic country like Spain is doing from the edge of time. Can´t this idiot understand that it´s not persecution, that it´s only a sale strategy BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT SURE THAT EITHER THE CUSTOMER IS CHRISTIAN OR THAT THE ITEMS ARE GOING TO BE USED ON CHRISTMAS?. I feel a little offended about the fact that she takes the notion of persecution in such a light way.
child or an animal there,
My friend's dad roadkills deers purposly to eat them after...
How many times is this bitch going to mention that she drives a Jeep? She could have just said "my car". I guess she is under the assumption that everyone would be hella impressed by the fact that she drives an SUV.
I love how she claims she was persecuted. I can't tell you how many times shopping carts have ended up behind my (bumper sticker-less) car because some lazy ass didn't feel like putting it in the cart corral or it rolled downhill. I mean, I have seen people pull into a parking space and not notice that someone left a shopping cart in the space and when their car hit it, it would roll into someone else's car and they would simply pretend they didn't do it.
Maybe shopping carts hate Christians who drive SUVs. Yep, I think that's it.
No Redhunter the shoping cart is sin, its part of the trinity. Here I'll explain,
1.Sin is the force of the devil.
2.The cart is the devil.
3.The devil controls sin.
4.Sin moved the cart.
5.Sin is created by evil animals.
6.Sin cannot effect the devil.
Wow, being gassed, tied to a fence and beaten, yelled at and called a sinner every day has NOTHING on a shopping cart blocking your SUV!
Oh my gosh...
Well, if she has had to undergo these horrors because of her religion, I wonder what it was about me that made somebody come dig up a bit of asphalt from my back walk in the middle of the night. Last autumn, as I was walking out of the house, I tripped on the uneven asphault, wrenched my ankle and had to walk, first with cruches and then with a cane , for a whole two months! I've never experienced some horrendous persecution--I'm lucky to be alive, really.
It was even worse than those times when I go shopping and hordes of people flood the store, block my cart and get in my way. They do it on purpose! Everybody! Everybody goes shopping at the same time that I do, just to get in my way.
But I forgive them.
What the fucking hell?
Diane, my ancestors had to pack up their belongings and leave their homes and their countries in order to escape the Nazis. That's persecution. When European colonists first came to the Americas, the natives were killed in deliberate genocidal campaigns, with the survivors often enslaved or forced to flee. That's persecution. Black people were kidnapped and forced to work as slaves. That's persecution. During the Spanish Inquisition, anyone who wasn't a Catholic or suspected of not being Catholic was tortured. That's persecution. Throughout history, my ancestors and Jews everywhere were tortured, killed, locked up, and deprived of property rights. That's persecution.
You drove to a drugstore in a fancy car that you're allowed to own. You were not turned away from the drugstore because of a "Whites Only" sign. Your perscription was filled; the clerk didn't refuse to fill it because he "morally objected" to your medications. Then, you got into your car and backed up without looking, driving over a shopping cart that wasn't there before and suffered minor cosmetic damage to your car. That's not persecution.
That's not good driving either. Would you have whined about persecution if someone's child was standing there when you backed up without looking? What kind of moron throws her car into reverse and hits the gas without looking behind her first? You could have killed someone!
And Diane, the cart was almost certainly not put there deliberately. I know you're into faith and not science, but shopping carts use a science-based sort of technology called "the wheel." They roll ! The slightest incline is enough to send a shopping cart rolling, and many are wobbly and less likely to go straight. No one put the cart behind your car deliberately; someone forgot to secure their cart or didn't secure it properly and it rolled away! At most, someone left it there while loading their own car and absent-mindedly forgot about it.
Here's a hint: If someone really wanted to damage your wheel cover, they wouldn't have left a shopping cart behind your car, because a shopping cart behind your car wouldn't damage your wheel cover , unless you're a really bad driver who backs up without looking. Naturally, a stranger wouldn't know this.
There are people being persecuted today. Look at North Korea! Look at Iran! Yet here you are, near the top of the political heirarchy in the United States, a member of a voting block that persecutes others , complaining that you're being persecuted because a shopping cart rolled behind your car and you backed up without looking, thus suffering minor cosmetic damage to your vehicle.
That's not persecution. That's negligence that should cost you your driver's license, and an insult to anybody who's been truly persecuted.
Okay, beyond not checking her rearview mirror before reversing, how fucking fast was she backing up?! I've been bumped by my mother's car while she was reversing (the gear shift is a bit sticky and sometimes doesn't click into Drive) and I was perfectly fine. Because, you know, she accelerated the way a normal person does when coming out of park. Slowly .
You know when you're walking in the opposite direction as somebody, and you try to go one way to avoid them, but they go the same way, and then you both go back the other way over and over and over? Yeah, atheists invented that to persecute you too. :p
Actually, people position shopping carts like that because they don't give enough of a shit to put them back when they're done. It happens at Wal-Mart, which should confirm that there's no anti-Christian conspiracy.
Oh yes, someone totally put that there. In fact, it was me. Glad that you wont't return the favor if my car is rocking a little, though.
I thought about Matthew 5:11 as I was driving home.
Instead I'm thinking about one of the basic rules I used to teach my driving students - always check behind your vehicle if you are going to reverse. Along with a better idea - always back into a parking space instead of driving in.
@Ed: "...Has anyone ever, in the history of the Earth, ever maliciously placed a goddamn shopping cart?!"
I'm afraid I have to own up to having done that. I once tied a shopping trolley to the house door of a neighbour who'd pissed me off. In my defence I was both very drunk and a student. In his defence I was, er, both very drunk and a student.
Can't even remember now what he did to piss me off.
Oh, jesus h. fucking christ. You should visit the Wal-Mart here, it happens at least 50 times a day. People do that because they're lazy. I hate it too, but I don't attribute it to divine intervention. I attribute it to those who follow divine bullshit (the population here is about 98% christian, and I think about 80% of those are conservative).
Diane, you aren't persecuted. You are, however, an idiot driver. If you were stupid enough to not check around your vehicle before departing, you deserve the dings in your paint.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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