Spencer_Shayy & Riothamus #transphobia ovarit.com

450 Kappa Sorority Sisters Side With UW Women Against Transgender Member | Your Wyoming News Source

( Spencer_Shayy )
Wow, 450 women supporting their appeal, and WOLF too! I hope some real progress is finally made. Laramie and UW are such shit holes, but I feel for these women. They don't deserve this. No woman deserves to be stuck with a "transwoman" - not even the worst of handmaidens.

I like that last quote, because it's literally what "trans" people and their allies are demanding all women do - pretend that being female means nothing.

I'll say this over and over until the day I fucking die. It's NOT a coincidence that suddenly "woman" now means nothing after women were finally being heard and having our experiences represented and vocalized online and in media.

"Transgender" is patriarchal backlash to women's rights and gay rights. Nothing more.

( Riothamus )

I'll say this over and over until the day I fucking die. It's NOT a coincidence that suddenly "woman" now means nothing after women were finally being heard and having our experiences represented and vocalized online and in media

Just look at the BlackLivesMatter 2020 blowup. In late May black women came to the forefront of the movement and within days #BlackTransLivesMatter took over and dominated the messaging with all sorts of legacy media puff pieces. BLM failed to achieve anything of note beyond rioting after that.

There's no God damned way that wasn't divisive billionaire Astroturfing.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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