Mammoths quick-frozen with undigested tropical vegitation in their stomachs?
Discovered by who? Where and when did this amazing discovery happen? I don't want to know who you heard it from, or who they heard it from, I want you to tell me exactly where, when, and by who that this seeming anomoly was discovered. Usless you can do that you've got nothing but hearsay and bullshit.
Oh, and for the record it's not all that unusual to find find undigested plant matter in animals with multi chambered stomachs since it the grasses and vegitation need time to be fermented before they can be digested. Not that I expect you to have the slightest idea what I'm talking about.
Again, explained in written HISTORY
Really now? Where? And by that I mean REAL history not some non scientific psuedo biblical Kent Hovind/Jack Chick circlejerk fanfic.
The earth was surrounded by a water vapor that gave a more even temperature, a true greenhouse effect
Yes it would give it a more even tempature, too bad for your little pet theory that that tempature would be so high that it would render the planet sterile and devoid of life.
When it was let loose, it flooded the earth,
And how do you propose that something like that were to happen? It just fell all the sudden for no reason? How do you propose the water vapour was suspended in the atmosphere without condensing? You never even asked yourself those questions, did you? You just took the shit the YEC's shoveled at you and ate it up, didn't you.
exposed the polar extremities to the cold of space where it was further, on average, from the sun, as we still see, and got cold fast
Huh? You do realize that the atmosphere is even all across the planet.
The lower spots ended up sinking further, becoming the oceans and seas
How and why? What caused them to sink? Have you even thought about that?
The higher spots became even bigger mountains, with severely tilting strata
How? How does a flood make strata "severely tilt"? How and why did the higher spot become "bigger"?
The dinosaur bones when down under the seas and where covered with silt running off the higher areas to the lower as the water retreated.
If that's so then why is it that we don't only find dinosaur bones at the bottom the the ocean? By your flawed reasoning then we would never have found dino fossils cause they would all be at the bottom of the fucking ocean.
So many things man scrambled around trying to explain are all easily explained by the flood.
You haven't explained anything. All you have done is assert "A,B, and C caused D, and if you don't believe then you are stupid." You haven't explained how any of these highly improbable and nigh immpossible events could have happened or why they would have caused the effects you claim they did. In fact, you have done nothing but regurgitate Hovind inspired propaganda that's been discredited since day one.