Rschmidt711 #fundie

Has anyone else seen the website called Fundies Say the Darndest Things. It is disgraceful.
These people take posts off of Rapture Ready and numerous other Christian websites and put them on this site, so that they can be held up to ridicule.

First off, I don't know about law in regards to the internet, but is that even legal?

Secondly, it hurts to read the comments that these people make about stuff that we discuss very sincerely here. When I saw it, I was very grieved.

Let's pray for these misguided souls, that the Holy Spirit will work in them to bring them to Christ, before it is too late. It is terrible to see them so lost, and they all seem to be so full of hate, I just wish that would come to be full of Jesus' love.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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