"Has anyone else seen the website called Fundies Say the Darndest Things. It is disgraceful."
Good. People - especially you on Ruptured Retards - don't have the right to not be offended. Bite me.
"These people take posts off of Rapture Ready and numerous other Christian websites and put them on this site, so that they can be held up to ridicule."
Well, you could always set up your own fundie version of FSTDT. You could call it... say... 'Atheists Say The Weirdest Crap'. Oh yes, that's right, someone already did:
My, what a success that turned out to be, eh? Three quotes. And... that's it. And most of the comments were by Atheists. So I guess that we Atheists Don't Say The Weirdest Crap after all. Unlike some we'd like to mention...!
"First off, I don't know about law in regards to the internet, but is that even legal?"
Two words, dipshit: Fair Use. And a warning:
Just Google 'VenomFangX' and 'Thundrf00t'. Then you'll learn a valuable lesson: You fuck with we Atheists at your peril.
"Secondly, it hurts to read the comments that these people make about stuff that we discuss very sincerely here. When I saw it, I was very grieved."
Awwwww, so we nasty Atheists won't beweive in your wittle faiwytawe about the invisibwe sky pixie? Dere dere, you go under your nice, safe, fluffy security blankie called your 'faith' and 'belief' and maybe we'll go away.
...not. >:D Someone call for a 'WAHHHHHH'mbulance too; ask them to bring the nice huggy jacket with the shiny buckles, and the happy pills too, for (A)Rschit711 here.
"Let's pray for these misguided souls"
Yeah. You do that, sparky:
Nothing FAILS like prayer.
"that the Holy Spirit will work in them to bring them to Christ, before it is too late. It is terrible to see them so lost"
Reading that load of classic fundie BS, you wonder why FSTDT even exists?! Remember:
'The only way to combat ridiculous propositions is through mockery'
-Thomas Jefferson
If he were alive today, he'd be a commenter here in FSTDT.
"and they all seem to be so full of hate, I just wish that would come to be full of Jesus' love."
Just like you & your ilk on Ruptured Retards, amirite? Such perfect paragons of 'love' you Raptards are:
...or not. Just as that particulr thread on RR proves. It certainly - and conclusively - proves that we Atheists are more than infinitely superior to not only you fundies, but your so-called 'God' too.
But then, it takes Complete Monsters like you fundies to worship no less than a Complete Monster of a deity: