(Talking about Sarah Palin's church, beliefs)
Keep in mind, brothers and sisters, that Palin does make one exception for the murder of babies. Sadly, for a politician, that's considered moral these days. But being a moral politician and a true follower of Christ are two totally different things and I don't think we should lose our minds with excitement over this woman when we don't know that much about her, and one of the few things that we do know is that she, with all the talk about being "as pro-life as any candidate can be", would rather see a baby killed than a woman lose her life. Jesus doesn't support that. I hope and pray that her pastor has counseled her on this. 'course, she might be more pro-life than the pastor. You just never know these days. It's truly sad. Please, Lord Jesus, come soon.
Let's see.
A full grown woman with hopes, dreams, probably a job, family, friends, maybe even other children depending on her, whose death would be long and painful, and she would probably be fully aware of her fate.
Or an unborn cluster of cells with no ability to think let alone function on it's own, who wouldn't feel anything at all.
Fundies are so fucked up.
"would rather see a baby killed than a woman lose her life."
Yes. TRUE pro-lifers would prefer that they both die, and will spend the duration laughing maniacly and saying how God's will has been done.
Please, Lord Jesus, come soon.
Please, faithandgrace, seek help!
I didn't need this quote to tell me that "pro-lifers" don't care about women - we're nothing but receptacles and incubators to them, and they have been making this clear for years. If abortion and contraception were outlawed - and subsequently driven underground - the massive toll this would have on women lives would go unnoticed by these cold-hearted "pro-life" bastards. They don't care as long as they get to keep the power that controlling one half of society would get them.
I need no other confirmation that all fundies do not view women and girls as human beings, not even their fellow fundie women, who delude themselves that they are somehow better than those "other" women and believe that the same fucked-up rules do not apply to them.
[she] with all the talk about being "as pro-life as any candidate can be", would rather see a baby killed than a woman lose her life. Jesus doesn't support that.
Exactly where in the Bible did Jesus not support that? Either I must have missed something, or faithandgrace hasn't actually read the Bible (or only reads the parts that he/she agrees with).
Oh, love the thread. Just made yet another account there, and I read this:
"You shall know them by the fruit they bare. The fakes will not be around on RR for long."
Of course they would prefer women to die. Christians follow a misogynist God. Christian women are lucky that they aren't brought out behind the shed and shot once they get too old to conceive because biblically that's the only use we women have.
What a lovely God you Christian fucktards follow!
"Jesus doesn't support that."! Once again we see a RR member placing their beliefs in Jesus's mouth when there is absolutely nothing, NOTHING in the Bible to support that statement. These people appear to have a major problem with ignoring the ninth commandment, especially to forward their religio-political GOP toadie agenda.
Ironically, if it weren't for that particular type of abortion, I wouldn't be here today! Then again, you probably wouldn't care because I'm an IslamoNaziCommunistFascistAnti-Christ anyways.
Please, Lord Jesus, come soon.
Yes, do, and for doG's sake don't forget to take faithandgrace with you!
Really. Take them with you. We don't want them.
"Keep in mind, brothers and sisters, that Palin does make one exception for the murder of babies. "
What if it's a pregnant grizzly bear?
No, no! you have it all wrong!
If you kill the mother, or allow her to die, then she can have no more babies.
If you sacrifice the baby to save the mother, then she could possibly go on to have more children (maybe lots more!) in the future.
But if carrying *any* child is too dangerous for her, then, yes, it would be best to let the baby grow as big as it can, perform a c-section, and then shoot the mother, because now the man can remarry a fertile woman (preferably one with good breeding hips) and have more babies.
Palin stated that if her own daughter (age 14 at the time) were raped and became pregnant, she would still 'choose life'.
What if a nine year old is raped by her father? Can she abort, then? Or does Palin expect this girl to 'choose life', as well?
----Just had this same argument last week on another board which someone said the exact same thing... However, I pointed out if I get pregnant (thanks to a dipshit abuser) I will have a 90% chance of dying during the pregnancy or the childbirth. I would also have extreme consequences to the massive surgery required to have my tubes tied... This somehow didn't get through to the hyper prolife chick who thought that if I was so scared to die from childbirth I should resort to risking my life on another surgery than have access to birth control, using family planning on top of it, and "safe" abortion procedures as the absolute last defense. I am so f-ing confused by these people.
How can they not see someone else's side of the story even when presented in gory detail?
@ Deep space cowboy
"What if a nine year old is raped by her father? Can she abort, then? Or does Palin expect this girl to 'choose life', as well?"
Pretty lame considering that 9 year old probably cannot conceive - maybe i missed something
@ SouthAfrican
Actually, they can.
I hope you bitch-slapped her.
Then pistol-whipped her.
Some people just don't understand reality, byt expect all the protection that us evil non-fundies can provide them
Please, Lord Jesus, come soon.
Her wrist is getting tired.
1) If the woman is past the point of viability, they don't abort the baby, they induce premature labour. They also make every effort they can to save the child once it has been delivered or removed via c-section, along with trying to save the mother's life.
2) The mother's life should always come first, especially if she already has children. There is a profound difference between a fetus and a fully-developed human being.
But you know, if the woman dies, she can't have more babies! And you say you would rather have a baby who would mature for years upon years without her mother who died giving birth to her? You are sick.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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